Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

We too always enjoy those times when it's just us, away from the world. Looking back at vacations, it's always those that we didn't do much and just spent time together that create the best memories. Remember our 4-wheeler trip to Arkansas when we spent the week at a Baptist camp. Or our camping trip in the RV. Then there were the trips to Destin. All best when it was just our little family.  I'm thinking we need another one this summer!

Love ya son!!!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 30, 2013, at 1:55 PM, Alexander Cybulski <> wrote:

> Hey family!!!

> So great to hear from all of you on christmas. I am glad that you all got to spend time together, even if it was on the day after christmas. Thiose are times that I cherish the most, when we were all together, and we forgot about the world, and just grew in our relationships together. 

> I have been learning so much lately, and I cant wait to share it all with you. Love yall. I will write more soon

> Love,
> Elder Cybulski

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013


things are going very well this holiday season. We had a baptism last night for a kid named curtis, and he was so great at his baptism. his whole family was crying, and the whole group there was amazed by the spirit that we brought with us as missionaries. 

So, I do have the Skype address and phone numbers of the members that we will be skyping from. You can call them and get it set up so that it works smoothly on christmas day.

Number: 5099536922
Skype  username: rfholbrook

But as to your question, right now I am really enjoying working with the missionaries as the leader of the mission. We get to train them, and teach them how they can be successful in all that they do. Nothing has brought more joy, than to help a fellow missionary be converted to the gospel. What do I hope will continue? I hope that I will continue to have the same confidence that I have with my name tag on. It is so easy to bring up the gospel as a missionary, and I hope that I will be able to do the same thing as a regular member. I want to keep my knowledge of the gospel growing through studies, and I really want to implement the principles that I have learned of hard work, and continual learning. that is pretty ambiguous, but those are the idea I have so far. 

But mom hasn't emailed me yet, and I don't really have very many updates from this last week, so I will just say that this week we are going to be a lot busier with all of the meeting we will have. So, get ready for a good email, and Skype stories next week, Love you family.

Elder Cybulski

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Richard Cybulski <> wrote:
Alex I hope you are havong a great hoiday season.   I am sure this time of year hearts ate turned to the Saviour.
In a few weeks we will get to chat and we are all so excited.  I sure hope that things are going well for you. Mom constantly worries about your experience. She knows you're doing great don't get me wrong. She's just a mom and she worries about her little boy.
So tell me how things are going for you what do you enjoy what do you hope will continue when you get home.
I know Mom is the one that updates you on everything as o I will keep it short.   We love you and are very proud of your accomplishments.
Love Dad

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

HEy family!!!!
Everything is going great up in the great white north. It warmed up a total of 5 degrees over night, so now it is 14 degrees outside!!! woohoo Dont worry, I am all bundled up with my long johns, and coats and beanie, and gloves on, so this southern boy in decently warmed lol.
This week we had a great week. We had several people come to church, and elder Chang and I gave talk on the Topic of truth. We were super bold, and basically invited everyone that wasnt a member in the congregation to be baptized, and all the members to repent. It is cool being in YSA, cause everyone is our age, so we can jst demand repect out of everyone there. And afterwards we got like three referrals of people that want to be taught, and baptized. We have two people with baptismal dates right now, one will be this sunday, and the other will be the day after christmas.
BTW, I need your skype address, and phone number so I can set things up for skyping on christmas...
I love you guys, and cant wait to hear how things are going on the great plains.
Elder Cybulski

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8, 2013

Happy sabbath!!!
God is good, and today is our day to dedicate to Him.
I love the Lord, and wish you a very merry Sunday. Up here in Washington we have snow on the ground, and 10 degree weather. Stay warm, and follow the spirit!
Elder Cybulski

Awwww, what a sweet surprise to hear from you on a Sunday. We have a little white stuff and 22 degrees. Down to 5 tonight...burrr!  We will be thinking of you as we watch the Christmas Devotional tonight.  Have a very merry week!  Sending our love your way!


Oops forgot to mention that Thomas DeCelle is leaving on his mission Wednesday. He's going to Japan. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013

I'm so glad you're enjoying the Christmas stuff. We had fun thinking of you and putting it together. I need some ideas of things you need or want for Christmas. I know you have new suits but you may need some other things as well. Please let me know soon :). I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. What a wonderful, beautiful time if year. I'm grateful for all that we know if the living Christ. We are truly blessed. Have a fantastic week and write back soon!

I love you son, mom. 

The Last few days have been crazy busy. On sunday we set up tons of appointments with investigators and members that came to church. this week we have a meeting everyday, and slack to pick up from our new office secretary. It has been cool cause the appointments that we had, had to cancel. Normally I would be dissapointed, but i know that heavenly father is giving us a way to take care of the necesities for the betterment of the mission. Heavenly Father really does provide a way when we are righteous.
Opening your presents everyday has brought joy into the apartment. Now we have a christmas tree, and from the papers, new ideas to try to find people to teach. 
i love you all, and appreciate all your support
Elder Cybulski

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Alexander Cybulski <> wrote:
I got it yesterday. Thank you so much. And mostly thank you for thinking of elder chang. His family is in taiwan, and hasnt seen them in 9 years!!! It really meant a lot to him. I love you guys. Take care

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 5:06 AM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
Did you get a package on Saturday?


Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013


I am grateful for a supportive family. I have gotten to work with a lot of missionaries lately, and I am so grateful that my family is a loving family that supports each other, and loves each other no matter what. I am exceptionally grateful for the atonement of our savior Jesus Christ, I know he personally suffered for every single on e of us, and that we can become changed by that sacrifice when we live his gospel. 
I did have lots to eat today. Did you get the emails from the families that I spent time with? I really miss our family dressing cause nobody else does it quite right. But there are tons of different things that I have had up here that are good too. HAlle better be careful cause aunt lisa can thrown down if she needs me lol. I am glad that everyone got to get together for thanksgiving. Next year I will be there, and it will be back to normal. 

WHAAAAAAT, That is so exciting that Ross and tracie are going to have another baby! I am so happy. If the new baby is like amberlie at all, that will be such a fun family to spend time with lol. They already are, but that is just so exciting. Tell ross, that there is a guy (the one that looks like eddie) that I just baptized, and he works for Caterpillar, doing the same thing ross does. 

I am glad you all had a wonderful holiday. Keep having fun, and keep being the great examples of gospel living that you are. 

Elder Cybulski

Happy Turkey Day!  What a great day to think about all we have been blessed with. Life isn't always perfect but when you look at the alternatives you begin to see the many things we really have to be thankful for. I'm especially thankful for a righteous son and his willingness to serve The Lord n a higher purpose. I love you son!

Did you have lots to eat today? Lisa made the dressing and well not as good as previous years but was ok. It is great seeing family. Lisa and Halle keep dueling it seems like. Not surprising since they are a lot alike, lol!  Elaine is a hoot to be around, she makes us all laugh. Jennifer's baby is now 2 and walking. And Dalton is now 6'1", maybe taller. 

Now for the big news...Amberlie is going to be a big sister!  Tracie is having a baby, due in July about the time you get home. Amberlie was really cute telling everyone. Ross and Tracie have been trying for over a year and a half, went they several procedures and were told she probably wouldn't be able to conceive. Just when they accepted the fact, she got pregnant. A little miracle we are all excited about. 

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I so appreciate all you are doing son and feel so blessed to be your mom!  Have a great rest of your week. 

Love, Mom

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Number 2 2013

Hi Elders and family of Elders,  
 We had a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner and hope you all did as well.  We enjoyed having your sons in our home and hope that you are feeling the sweetness that comes with having them serve us here in Spokane.  Happy Holidays to each of you.
Sincerely the Howard's from Spokane, WA

Patti Howard

Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  Thanks for sharing your missionaries with us!

Carol Nowling

November 28, 2013

President Mullen's "handpicked all-star district" according to his own words

And one of our YSA members that had us over for thanksgiving today. 

You should also be getting some emails from other members that I spent the day with. I was well taken care of. 

Love you guys
Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013

So, I got your package. Those cds are so good. Did you get to listen to them?
This last week has been good. We are starting to get busy though. This week we have tansfers. which means that we have meetings about three hours every day with our mission president to review the progress of all 251 of our missionaries, and decide where they will be for the next six weeks, and what their assignments will be. So I am a little stressed, but still staying strong. Elder Whiting, Elder Chang and I are like the best companionship ever. lol We are all so different, but dedicated to the same purpose that it works. I just really hope that I will stay as an assistant for the rest of my mission. I love this ward, and I love working with president mullen and learning leadership skills and things from him. BTW, DId you get a text from sister mullen? She should have sent you a picture. She trys to stay in contact with the AP moms. You are in an elite club now mom. Just think, only three missionaries in any given mission are APs at a time. Being only 17 months out, it is pretty amazing to be the most senior missionary in the mission. It has put a lot of weight on my shoulders, but I have grown so much, even in the last six weeks. I emailed halle, just saying that I still love her after what she said. I love you guys, and cant wait to hear from you. Adios
Elder Cybulski

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013

mom, Thank you for that. In life, sometimes you hit walls, of whether you are doing what is right, and maybe if anything needs to change. I have never doubted whether I am doing what the Lord wants, but Comments like that come at us everyday from people around us, I just didnt need that from my own sister.
On another note, you will never guess who I met tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have attached some pictures. Elder Oaks was in town, and as the assistants to our mission president we got to meet him. We got to have a serious personal conversation with him. I stood with his arm around my shoulder, and he gave us some amazing advice for living corrrectly when we get home. He is an amazing man, and very funny when he is not at the pulpit. He let us in on some very confidential information that I cannot disclose. So dont ask lol. It was very exciting, and a testimony builder that we do have walking, breathing, living apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth today.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

 Mom, I need your help. I dont want to cause any fights, or anything like that, but I cant function when I get emails from Halle Like the one that I just got. She wants me to come home early for her graduation, and I tried to explain to her that that isnt going to happen.  she says this
"How is it giving it up. I'm your freaking sister. You know what fine. I don't even care anymore. Have a great rest of your mission. I'll talk to you when you get home"

 She needs to know how hard it is to be away for two years, and that it isnt that I dont want to be there. But I am not going to end at my 22 month mark, when I would have to be dishonorably released. I will finish my mission, and one day she will know why

 Elder Cybulski

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

thanks for the update!!!

I cant believe that the chiefs are doing so well. However, I can believe that Matt is doing so well in basketball. Keep it up buddy! I cant wait to cheer my head off when you play at the marriot center for BYU. That is also exciting for the BVW team. Apparently my class just tore them down, cause that year was super disappointing. I am glad that Halle is getting a good senior year. Those are some sweet pictures. I saw that matt has his permit, and I almost fell out of my chair. I thought he would stay small forever, and that I would always drive him around. 

I love that you are helping out the sister missionaries. When members are involved, not just in meals, but in finding, the Lord is present in the Work. I have really learned that the absolute best way to work, is to let the members find, and to fulfill my call by teaching. So, you need to give the missionaries names of people to go see. Of course, missionaries will always be finders, but we were meant to teach and cry repentance to the world. Yeah, sorry about "uncle daddy" He is a weird guy that just like to call missionaries parents to let them know we are ok. 

As for things here, I dont think I have ever been busier in my life. Litterally, as assistants to the president the three of us make sure this mission runs. President, and the office missionaries dont know this, but we do half of all their jobs for them, cause if we left some their own responsibilites to them, everything would fall apart lol, and it has in the past. We carry the same load that every other missionary hold, plus all the behind the scenes work like travel plans, meals, trainings, transfers, mail, supplies, and exchanges. 

But this week, we had a baptism of Tyler Bates. A great kid that just wants the Holy Ghost in his life. The Lord has constantly been moving around, and I havent seen many baptisms, and now he is blessing me for my diligence. There is a picture. 

This week I also got a letter from Emma! She had an amazing experience at her own church. The spirit basically told her that she needs to go read the book of mormon, so she did, and then she figured out some things that she needs to do. I was so happy, cause I know that one day she will get baptized, the question is whether she will act on what she knows is true. 

I also went to the temple today, and finally saw the new video. OMG!!! it is amazing. I learned so much. I cant wait to be able to go more often, and to learn more and more from the experience there. 

I love you guys. Take care, and write soon
Elder Cybulski

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 Email


thanks for the email. I will be praying about those things, and What I can do. There was a pretty amazing thing that I learned this week. There is a girl in our ysa ward that recently got back from her missioin. Her little brother, while she was gone started to make some bad decisions, and started to stray from the testimony that he had. While she was gone, and when she was home, she reached out to him, and was just a loving sister. Now, he wants to get back to church, and yesterday he told us that he wants to serve a mission. We are so excited to help him in the repentance process, and to help him fulfill his duty as a priesthood holder. 

Also, this week we had a baptism of a kid named ben. Look at the picture, and tell me that he doesnt look exactly like Eddie! He had been going to church for like three years with his girlfriend. One sunday he pulled us and bishop aside, and said, "Ive been praying, and I want to be baptized, can we make that happen?" We were so excited, and we taught him in a week, and then had the baptismal service. It was a great blessing to have since I have been transferred so much lately.

I love you guys. Tell me about how everything is going there. Did you ever get those promotions. How are sports, and how is the family?

Elder cybulski

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

Funny picture of our tri-panionship. What does it remind you of.....?????

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013 Email

This is what happens as an assistant when you fall asleep driving from an area 1 hour from the office...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013 Quick Email

Just got back from a quick exchange in Priest river, Idaho. Split wood for like three hours to help out a less active member. I have blisters, but not too bad. It was good to take out my stress on the wood. Love you mom
Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013 Additional Email

Hey dad,

I have been doing a lot of praying this week, cause of my new assignment as an assistant. I was prompted to read the fathers blessing that you mailed to me as you were still in mexico with your brother, and it really helped me. I have really grown to love the priesthood, and the power and help that it brings into our lives. I want to thank you for holding the priesthood, and ministering to me when the time is needed.

Dad, I want to know what you think about school, job, and future wife, and everything. As a father, and as you have experienced all of that I would appreciate your insight. There is no rush. I know it might take prayer and fasting as you recieve revelation for your son, but I just wanted to ask for your advice. 

I love you dad. Thank your for being exactly who you are to me!

Elder Cybulski

October 22, 2013 Email


I know it seems weird to be getting all these emails from me. Working in the office now, we get to email whenever we have time, just cause we dont ever get the full hour and a alf at any given time. So, as I said, you will get emails from me at weird times, and a little more frequently. 

The experience the last few days has been very exciting. Yesterday we drove to the airport, and picked up 24 new missionaries. They were so excited to be here, and so ready to get to work. It is so weird after being out a while, to see those that havent had even two weeks being set apart and the point they are at. There is so much that I want to help them with, and so much I wish I knew at that point that I have just learned from experience. It was kind of like being a dad or something and wanting the best for my children. That is kind of the role that we have as assistants. We oversee the entire mission, and report back to president about anything and everything. Taking 250 missionaries under your wing is tiring and stressfull, but I love it, and the problem solving aspect that it brings. It is a whole new look on the lords work. 

I am glad that Gran gran got to visit, I got her letter yesterday. How is school going? Anything new in the cybulski family? I havent heard of anything crazy happening since start lost an eye ball LOL. 

I love you guys. Write back soon

Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013 Email


First off, I totally meant to bring my camera to the library to send some picture, but I let it at home, so next week you will get  some more recent pictures of things here.

My week last week was good. We have lots of success with our members. After conference the members have really tried getting involved in the work more, no matter what way that is. Our WArd mission leader invited one of our investigators, and a less active over for dinner, and we had a wonderful lesson with them. The investigator is working on quiting smoking, and then she will be good for baptism. I also met a hispanic guy this last week that wants to get baptized, and as soon as he can get off work on sundays, he will be able to do that too. We are very excited for the work right now. Thank you for all of your prayers ad thoughts. We have felt your support.

This week I have really been studying about prayer, and several talk about the power that it has. I know that the lrd helps us as we turn to him. If we dont ask, he isnt going to just give us something. As we pray, we show our faith, and he can answer us according to that. 

I love you guys, and await your next email. 
Elder Cybulski

p.s. I think the package is at the mission office in spokane. They can only forward packages if it is priority boxes. If it is just a regular box, then they just hold onto it. I am just waiting for someone to make their way down to where we are so that I can get the package. No worries. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013 Email

Hey mom,

I totally agree, Conference was pretty awesome. One of our investigators, who was having a hard time with a modern day prophet, was watching, and she said she felt a sense of peace. She lives out in the middle of no where, and we dont get to see her often, but I cant wait to teach her about the spirit, and how it answers our concerns. 

I have not gotten a package yet, but I just moved, so the mission office, might have held onto it for a couple extras days before forwarding it. 

This week, being in a new area, yet again, I have been trying to get to know the ward so that I can work with them the way that the brethren told us to in conference. I really think that when we are able to HELP the members in their missionary work, instead of doing our own missionary work, we will be able to see things in the united states just take off. There will always be more members than missionaries, and we should be helping them by teaching, instead of them helping us by fellow shipping. 

This week we have also been trying to find new people to teach. Our area is very small, and we it seems like everyone has already talked to missionaries, but we know there is someone out there, and that we will find them in a miraculous way eventually. Keep praying for us, and pray for the missionaries at home, by name. 

I love you guys, keep up the good work, and write soon.

Elder Cybulski

Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

Elder Cybulski,

Hope your having a great day!  We are getting your stuff together. I had dad get your clothes together while I got the fun stuff. lol. We noticed there were no gloves in the box. Do you still have some or do we need to get you some new ones?  Anything else specific that you need?

So, thought you might want to know...I got a promotion last week. My boss left to go to another company and although I didn't get her job, they divided up some if the responsibilities, hired someone for her position and gave me more responsibilities and a promotion. Dad's hoping for a new opportunity to come through also, so pray for him. Patience isn't one of our virtues and the waiting makes him crazy. Lol.

So how is your new area?  Are you still enjoying working around the campus?  I'm sure you are meeting lots of students. I hope they are receptive. Look for those who sit alone. I often wonder how many students need a friend, especially those new to campus and who may not be outgoing themselves. A new place is hard in many young people. I know you will search them out and find those who need the gospel. What a blessing it will be for them. I'm praying for your success!

I love you son!  Let me know if you want/need anything specific. I wanted to wait for one more email before sending your package do that we could include anything you might need. I will send it out tomorrow.

Stay safe. Hugs and kisses.

Love, Mom


I have my gloves, so I am good there. I just need my long johns, sweaters, and jacket. If I think of anything else I will let you know. 

I am so glad that the jobs are working out and stuff. I will for sure pray for you guys. 

My new area is doing good. We cover only families, and another set of elders teach the student, so we are busy trying to find where all of the families live. It is kind of hard, cause our ward covers all of the student housing, so we dont find many families. So, we need your prayers. 

So, Today I sent a package home. It is full of books and things. I wrote all over it, but please dont open it. there are some personal things in there, that I will definitely show you when I get home, but I would appreciate it not being messed with. Thanks. 

I dont really need anything right now, just my warmer clothing, cause it is starting to get colder here. 

Thanks guys, I love all of you


Elder Cybulski

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013

Hey Family,

I know my email was short last week, so I will be sure and email you more today. 
Currently I am in Pullman, Washington, the home of Washington State University. I cover one of the family wards here called Pioneer Hill. The reason I didnt email much last week, was that my new companion and I have never been in this are before, so everything was new. When we got here, we didnt know where we lived, where the car was, and how to get around. Eventually we found our apartment. Then we went on a hunt for the car, and found out that it was not starting. We got our car guy to fix it, and so now we have our car, and know where we live. After all of that, we got a call from the mission office, and since we are zone leaders, we have to take care of the sisters. We had two new sets of sisters come in, and they got new apartments. So, we had to find beds for them to sleep on for the first night, until all their new furniture got there, and then we had to move all their new furniture in and set it up for them!!! I realized that they hook the sisters up with really nice apartment!!!!As for the elders... But that was only our first two days. Then we had the first football game of the season on campus, and everything was nuts. It was fun being on campus though. 

I couldnt agree more. On my mission I cant tell you any details about any of the hard days that I have had, but I can describe to you in detail every amazing experience. that is just because the fruit that comes from the labor is so sweet, and no body wants to dwell on the bad times. Sacrificing for the Lord is never a sacrifice, it is always a greater blessing. We are always in debt to him, and when we try to repay him, he gives us back more. 

I love you guys, and I will send you pictures of pullman really soon. 

Much Love,

Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013


I didn't hear from you yesterday so I'm thinking maybe today is your P-Day instead. I've already written you, but heard the best story on the radio this am and wanted to share it with you.

This father plays a game with his daughter at the pool called lifeguard. His daughter is 7 and just learning to swim. She has him jump into the pool and yell lifeguard, lifeguard please help me while waving his arms high. She then proceeds to jump in, grab his arm and pull him safely to the side. He went on to say as with any kids game at 7 he does this another 350 times. Then one time he jumps in, waving his arms yelling for her help and she doesn't come. He looks up to see her standing on the side just looking at her with a perplexed look on her face. It's then that he notices that he has ventured too far into the deep water for her to be able to help him. As she stands there thinking about the situation and how she can help, she yells out to him, "Move a little closer to the side and I will save you."

This story had a profound affect on me this morning. Tear rolled down my face as I realized the implication. There are times when The Lord can't help us until we move closer to him.  Sometimes we are in too deep. He's always there waiting for us to reach our hand out and move just a little closer so that he can stretch forth his hand and be our lifeline.

What an amazing story!  Maybe you can share this with others who may be struggling and need just the slightest motivation to reach forth their hand so that the Lord can pull them in.

Love you son!


Mom, I love that story!!!! I will definitely share that. Lately we have really been focusing on teaching the doctrine of the atonement, and that story goes perfectly. Thank you so much. It was definitely inspired that you shared that.
Love ya mom,
Elder Cybulski

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013

Happy Day my sweet missionary!

How was your week?  I hope it was good. How was your fast yesterday?  I can't believe how with the right preparation, motivation and peace of mind what a fulfilling fast you can have. Fasting will never be the same for me. I'm so grateful for my experience today. I'm not sure why last weeks lesson made such an impression to create a desire to get the most out of a fast. I'm so glad though. I guess it was my time to gain a truer testimony of fasting. Just goes to show you, we all must be open to learn new aspects of the gospel. The Lord is always ready to teach!

We had a convert baptism this weekend. Today we took part in the confirmation and I could see you up there doing the same thing in your ward.  It was surreal. I so wish I could be there (kinda like a fly on the wall) with you. Not to distract but to enjoy just watching.

I love you son! As always, I'm wishing you great experiences this week.

Happy Labor Day!

Love, mom

HEy family,
This week in Spokane was great. The weather was mild, and the summer ended with a bang. With it being the last week of summer, cause school started here yesterday, we had a lot of people that were home, so we got to teach a lot. The one family we have been working with a lot right now, the Gomez-Castro family is doing great. The two sons have a baptismal date for the 20th of September, and the parents are excited too. We just have to help them get off work on sundays in order to come to church. They are from Cuba. Lately, there has been a huge influx of Cubans to the area, so I think something is going on down there, cause they are all refugees. We are getting to meet a lot of them, and teaching many. My Spanish has been changing lately, cause we don't talk to as many Mexicans as I did in Wenatchee. lol
I just want you all to know that I am being taken care of. Yesterday, we went out to Spokane valley for our zone leader meeting. While we were out there, we sto0pped by the book store to pick something up. While I was there, one of the bishop's wifes in a ward that I used to serve in walked in. I hadn't seen her in a while, and she was super happy to see me, and I her. She offered to buy me something, and I said she didn't need to, but she told the cashier not to charge me, and that she would put it on her bill. So, She bought me a book that I had wanted that will really help me understand the scriptures better. I just love the members I have gotten to know well. She didn't have to do that, but she loves missionary work. When I know that I worked hard in her ward, and she noticed enough to want to do that for me, it makes it all worth it sometimes in a certain way.
That is so awesome that you had a convert baptism. I imagine, that in our ward it doesn't happen very often. We have a few coming up, so I will keep you posted.
Love you all, stay safe, and BE MISSIONARIES!
Elder Cybulski
p.s. I learned how to but in a sound system. WE built all of this for this guy, and did all the wiring!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013 Emails

Thanks for the update mom. We had a great day at church too. In GP we had our lesson on missionary work(one lesson ahead), and it was great. We have been really focused on our members lately, cause we only work off of their referrals. They have really been catching the vision of the work. We have several investigators now that have come from our members, and not from our own efforts, and that is really how the lord has designed it to go. The members find, and we are there to teach. As Elder Holland said, "The only danger in the mission field should be from pneumonia.... from standing in the font too long." lol
As for the package, please don't send any books.... We are only allowed to read from the missionary library, and I already have that. I would just have to send it home anyways. But, there isn't anything that I really need. I will let you know when I need my winter things, it isn't quite time yet though.
I will definitely fast with you guys this next week. I have been looking for something to focus on in my fast along with everything else, and this is perfect. I have really grown to love the ability to fast. I have seen so many miracles that have happened on fast and testimony days. For instance, My first family, the decided to get baptized, because of the testimony meeting that happened the week before their baptismal dates. it really does bring the blessings of heaven.
write soon, I love you all, and will talk soon.
Elder Cybulski

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
Hey Son, 

How was your week this week?  It's been warmer here. I'm ready for cooler Fall weather. Sweater/sweats weather in other words. Let me know when you need your stuff. Is there anything I can send you?  I'm putting together a box for you. I found where Dad had started you one some time back which I thought he had sent already but didn't. It has done books you requested. I will get it sent early this week. Let me know if you want it need anything. 

We had a great day at church today. I hope yours was good.  I enjoyed our GP class on fasting. We talked a lot about making it a joyful experience by using the fast to grow closer to the Spirit. Bro Lineback stated that one of the general authorities, can't remember who, said its one of the most under utilized parts of the gospel and it can be one of the most powerful tools we have. We also had conversation about how group fasting (families, wards, etc) is like saying to The Lord, "hey, take special notice, this one is super important!"  I've never really used the principle of fasting as well as I could have. I look forward to experiencing a more dedicated one this next week. I know you have so many wonderful people to fast for but I would like to ask you to join me in a family fast for Halle. I want so much for her to be open to allowing the Spirit to guide her and for her to be able to experience the feeling as it does.  If she would just embrace it for a moment. Anyway, I know if we have a family fast it will make a difference.  

In Relief Society today we talked about Obedience and how it allows us Liberty and freedom while Disobedience leads to captivity.  We talked a lot about how the world seems to change its mind on issues at a whim...i.e. it's viewpoints on social issues, what's deemed appropriate vs inappropriate all has changed so much over the years and still does. So what do people use as their guide to help them make choices, good choices. Many use religion to gain their values to live by but Even religions change on a whim depending on who is at the head or what seems popular or favored by its members.  The one thing thats suppose to be constant is science.  people say anything can be explained by science (of course we know thats not true) and its not a constant either.  For example Pluto used to be considered a planet and now isn't.  It also seems to change in order to explain things the way the world wants to view it.  The only thing that never changes is the gospel. 

(I wrote these things in class so I wouldn't forget them) The Lord  is unchanging. We can always count on him. He is a constant. Vs the world which is always changing day to day.   The scriptures are what guide us to the principles if the gospel. Why not Learn from the book that never changes. Society always finds a new way to explain the way they want things to be. Gospel never wavers. There is comfort in knowing you can count on The Lord.  He's always there for us, unchanging, unwavering in his desire for us to return to him. 

See I told you, it was a great day to be at church today :-)

We love you son!  And miss you like crazy. We know you are making your mark on the world and you have our support. ALWAYS!!!

Have a great, productive week. 

Love ya, Mom

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

Hey dad.

Yes, I did have the opportunity to read those articles that you sent to me. I really liked the second by the guy whose name I cant remember. lol It really helped. 

One talk that has really been good lately "missionary work and the atonement" by elder holland. 

With the translator thing, is that the problem is that it translates 100%, and to really speak in spanish, you cant translate exactly across, it doesn't make as much sense. 

This last week, we have had several miracles. Some of our members are really getting into missionary work, and we are teaching some of their friends, and it is going well.

But I will write soon. thank you for writing to me more dad, it means a lot to me.


Elder Cybulski 

August 19, 2013 Emails

Hey mom,

Sorry about not emailing last week. We only got 30 minutes to email, and it took me a while to email president Mullen, cause we had to work through some things that are going on. Then, we had to go check all of the mission vehicles, so it was a busy day. 

I totally remembered that it was matthews birthday yesterday. I will be sure to write to him. 

I really felt like I needed to write to halle last week, but I hope it helped, cause I dont know why. i guess it was revelation or something, but I just did it anyways. Tell her to write me back. 

Things out here are going good. Yesterday we had three of our investigators come to church!!!!! That is a big deal in a spanish area, cause they all work on sundays. I am really excited for them. We are still working with lots of people that have great desires, we just need prayers that they will be able to come to church in order to progress. 

I love you guys. Write soon, and I will try to write more next time.

Elder Cybulski 
p.s. this is Elder Cisternas and I dying from heat in our apartment lol

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
I did t get an email from you last week. I hope you got my very long email last week. It was to make up for the missing weeks before. When I didn't hear from you I worried that maybe I still had email issues.  Hopefully not!

I have to tell you Halle got your letter just yesterday. It was so sweet how she grabbed it and tore it open so fast.  It means a lot to her that you write just her sometimes. She did ask about what you struggled with when you were younger, she was curious I suppose. Of course we didn't share what it was and told her we wouldn't break your confidence any more than we would break hers. It meant a lot I think that you would share something like that with her. Alex, honestly, I don't know what's getting though right now. She's really struggling with her testimony I think. She doesn't surround herself with people who support church. Or maybe she hasn't given them the chance to support it. She's always struggled with "fitting in". It's always seemed so important to her. She has a new friend Taylor who seems to be a sweet girl. She says all the right things, but I worry still. Keep her in your prayers. Thank you for being such a good example to her. You're a good brother!

Oh almost forgot to remind you... Matthew's birthday is today!  He turned 14 and is now a teacher!  He would love an email from his big brother. He starts football practice this week. He's grown a lot, still skinny but in shape :-)

Had a great day at church. Hope you did too. We sang "God Be With You Til We Meet Again" and I had the water works going. Made me think of you. I love you son and think about you every day.  Lots of prayers your way. Stay safe sweetheart.

Hugs and kisses


Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11, 2013

I have been reading my patriarchal blessing and I stumbled upon a copy of yours.  I hope you don't mind but I read it and was amazed at some of the promises. When speaking of your mission, it states "There are some who have been prepared for your arrival.  They will listen to what you have to say and abide by it... You will have the gift to communicate n their own tongue ..The Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about love, And I bless you that your capacity for love will grow ever stronger..."  What a great blessing.  I love the part about "Love"  my blessing states, "Let Love be the guiding principal in your home."  

We are all to love and I want you to know my love for you has grown ten fold as I watch you serve and grow.  As I have repeated you are an elect spirit and we love you very much.  Keeping serving with the power of Nephi as he stated, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.”

Love always, Dad

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

Hey family
Havent heard from you guys in a while. Whats goin down in OP town?
Aunt lisa sent me like 15 emails today with pictures from their trip to Galveston. It looked like fun.
As for things out here, I am doing good. We got 39 new missionaries to the mission last week, and it is stressing everyone out. As Zone leaders, we have to make sure that their trainers are being good examples, and teaching them the right way. With a lot less experienced missionaries out, it is a lot more weight on our shoulders as leaders, and we have to answer more questions, cause they just don't know. The demographics have changed immensely since I got to the mission. But, I am glad that I am here at this time. Teaching them how things are to be done is really going to set the tone for the future of missionary work in general. I love being a part of it.
This last week was a good week. My new companion, Elder Cisternas, and I and working on finding more latinos. It is hard sometime in such a large area, but we are getting the job done. the lord is really helping us in the work, cause it is all his work after all. lol
I cant wait to hear from you guys. I hope everything is going well. Love ya
Elder Cybulski

p.s. This is a new elder that Elder Hargiss and I fearbusted last week. He was fresh out, and scared out of his wits.