Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

It's official, I have flight info in're coming home!  I know you must have mixed feelings but we are super excited!

Make the most of every moment. Enjoy every day.

Not much time to write today. I'm slammed at work. Thinking about you. Love you lots!!!


Hey family!

Another exciting week. Yesterday we got a visit from Elder Bowen of the first quorum of the 70. It was great to learn from him. One thing he said really stuck out to me. He said that as priesthood holders, either physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, there are places we can never go, things we can never see. Thoughts we can never think, and sites we can never see! Those things just arent worthy of us as children of god, and people that strive to have the blessing of the priesthood in our lives. But men and Women. It really struck my heart, and helped me realize the power we all have through personal righteousness.  

This week we have seen great success. We are now teaching a kid named Steven. there are two priests in the ward that just got their calls, and he is their best friend. they invited ghim to take the lessons, and we are teaching him. The examples of the two member families that he has known have made all the difference. He should be the next to get baptized here in the Hayden 1st ward. 

I just love my mission!

Elder Cybulski

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Hello there!

I've been thinking a lot about you in your new area.  I'm sure you are getting acclimated and getting to know the members of the Ward you are in.  Are you Spanish speaking at all!  I know you said you are one of the few in your mission.

There's not much new here. We are finally getting the house painted. It needs it really bad. I came home to check on the color choice we made on Friday and part of our house was mauve. Yes, I said mauve. Is that even a color anymore.  Ugh, it was gross!  Needless to say we stopped the painting and went with a different color. Of course now we have gallons and gallons of mauve paint in our garage. Who knows what we will do with it. We went with a darker grayish taupe color instead. Yep, gotta conform to Johnson County Brown!  I'm crossing my fingers it will look good once in the house. I don't think changing colors again would go over very well.

I'm still studying like crazy but can't seem to get it all to stick in my brain. I have 6 books and lots of material to soak up.  I'm getting nervous that I won't pass. I find myself praying for brain capacity and better memory function. LOL

I look forward to your update on how things are going.

Love you son!


HEy mom,
I am definitely getting acclimated to the area. This area is a lot more wealthy than any of my past areas. It is mostly lake homes, and retired families. So it is different to work with. WE have to really help people see the need to be humble sometimes. But we have a few people that are awesome, and really progressing. The youth in the ward are awesome at inviting. This ward has nine missionaries out!
Easter was awesome. I really love Easter now, cause I have come to understand and appreciate the atonement so much more in my life, that Easter means so much more to me now.
Sounds like fun painting the house. Just sell the extra paint on craigs list or something. lol  I cant wait to see the house, I am sure lots has changed.
Mom, I know that you will do fine. You always helped me with school work, and I know you will have the ability to take that test and do well. Don't worry.
Love you mom
Elder Cybulski

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 (2)

I kind of already emailed since I didn't get a chance to last week. But things are going good here.
Just tell Halle to set some time everyday for studying. The biggest thing I learned in college and on my mission is consistency. Whenever I just tell myself that I will just do it sometime this week, or tomorrow, it never gets done. But If I decide when and where ahead of time, and I don't make plans that conflict with it, then I am more likely to get it done and be successful, and therefore less stressed.
I think it is so crazy that Matt is moving into High School. I don't feel like I have been our of high school that long but it has been 3 years!!! It just baffles me sometimes. Let Matt go long on Ol' Red with Pa-pa. He will have plenty of room to learn out there.
Love you Guys
Elder Cybulski

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
Hi son, so how does it feel to be out in the field again?  It may take some getting used to. I can't believe how close it is to you coming home. I know you must be feeling mixed emotions about it which is to be expected. Enjoy the ride to the finish.

So, I met with a member of the Stake Presidency yesterday for my temple recommend. It is wonderful to meet with them periodically. They are truly inspired men. They don't really know each member personally, yet they rely on the Spirit to know just what to say that's personal to each member. It was a faith promoting experience. I love those!

How was your new ward?  I hope it was a welcoming experience yesterday. Each ward has its own personality. I'm sure you have many stories of that.

So, an update on family...Halle is trying to graduate. I say that because she is so checked out already.  Remember what it was like to be a senior in your last semester?!  Matthew is already starting to think about High School. It's hard to believe he will be there next year. Dad is taking him driving when he gets a chance. Oh my, he's going to need lots of practice. Lol. That's about it here. We look forward to hearing all about your transfer.

Love you son!


April 14, 2014

Hey mom,
YEs, I did register for classes. I am all set for now. I will meet with an advisor before school starts, to double check everything, but I think I am all set.
You will receive my flight info before I do. It should be there pretty soon. But if not, I will use my connections in the office to get that to you when it comes in.
So, I am doing good. I just got sent to Hayden, Idaho. This will probably be my last area, and I am already growing to like it. It is a pretty rich area, but everyone is way into hunting and fishing, and prepping for the end of the world. So it is tons of fun.
We met this guy named Jory on Friday. He is a rapper, and his stage name is Jawba, cause he is really big... He is so prepared. He is basically a member already, cause he things the godhead should be the way we see it, that there should be more scripture, and that we should still have prophets. He is pretty amazing. So he is going to get baptized here in a few weeks. Such an awesome start to my time here in the Hayden Lake 1st ward.
How is everyone there? School is starting to wrap up? Don't let halle get too much senioritis.
Love you guys
Elder Cybulski

p.s. Elder Lohan and I had a tea party with some members before I left

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4, 2014

HEy Family,
Got some news for everyone. So, i have been the senior missionary in this mission for 7 months now, longer than any other assistant before me. President Mullen has now called a new assistant, and for my last two transfers I will going back out to proselyte and teach a lot more! I really am excited. I love working with president, and counseling with him on different issues, but i am ready to find teach and baptize again.

So, I may not be able to email everyone as frequently as I have been. But I will be able to write more letters, and send better emails on mondays. To end my mission is this way is exactly what I wanted to do. I have really learned that Leadership isnt about position or authority, it is about service. And that wherever you serve faithfully, you will be powerful. 

Love you guys

Elder Cybulski

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:

I am so proud for you son. I have to admit I will miss the frequent emails. I love the easier access but you enriching the lives of so many others, well I guess I can give a little on the communication. lol.

Have you had the chance to register for classes yet?  Hopefully you can do that before you font have an accessible way to do it.

Also, when will you have actual flight home date/time info?

Excited for future emails about those you teach. What a wonderful way to end your mission!

Love you!!!  Mom