Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

Hey wanted to write catch up with you and see how things are going. In Kansas it looks like winter is finally over.  That means we got lots of yard work to do.  Every Sunday Bob Davis tells me he wishes you were here to cut is grass.  This weekend we got some new grass planted mom got some flowers in.  I'm sure Matthew probably already wrote looks like a sprained ankle pretty bad so he's out of basketball for a while.  Halle Is doing OK in school.  She's going to visit Wichita State in a couple of weeks.  Good sports medicine program. 
Enough about us how are you doing?  Sounds like things are going very well for you were very excited.  We get letters from your mission president talking about the great things that you're doing.  It sounds like you're doing an excellent job.  After to speaking of Matthews ankle how is your foot?  Are you still experiencing pain or is it getting better? 
Tell me about your investigators what's happening there? how's your companion?  Mom says there's some challenges with the newest one.  Do you need anything? 
How did you like conference and what was your favorite talk?  Are you ready for us to send you some more old conference addresses?
We love you more than ever.  Stay safe in right back. 

Love always dad

Hey dad,

Thanks for the update. I didnt get anything from matt, so I didnt hear about the ankle. How bad is it? Mine still gets me everyonce in a while, but I wear my brace alot. My leg still acts up too, but I can deal. 

I am glad that you guys are doing well. This week, our investigator, angelica, committed to a baptismal date, so we are super excited for here. WE are also excited for this kid named Rob Brown. He took notes as he read the book of mormon, and he asked us some specific questions. Other than that our other investigators are doing just ok lol. We need lots of prayers to find a family to teach. 

My comp is doing good, he took a while to warm up to me, but I think now he is doing ok. 

At conference, My favorite talk was Elder Perry's. Obedience really is how we gain salvation. 


Elder Cybulski

April 22, 2013

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for those addresses. I am planning to write to them soon. 

Sounds like the school year is wrapping up with a bang. I am excited that halle made a responsible decision to lighten her load with the cheerleading stuff, and that matthew is diving into what he loves. Out here is absolutely aweomse weather. It has stayed in the 50s and 60s all week. We are a half biking area, so I love it being outside in the warm/cool weather. 

Mom, dont worry about our area. It is more or less just that one street that I described to you. Most of our area is pretty white. But yes, I will be safe. 
As of right now, I dont really need anything. Just lots of prayers. This week we met some really cool people. While I was on exchanges Elder Berg put this one lady on date for baptism, and I was super impressed. Right now, we just need prayers to find an english speaking person to teach. We have lots of hispanics, but we need to find some whities lol. 

I love you guys. Stay strong and push forward. A scripture that really touched me this week was Alma 59:11-12. Think about how we can see the success of the adversary to indicate how we are doing personally.

Elder Cybulski

p.s. this movie is alladin in spanish lol

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Hey guys,

I didn't hear from you guys this week, but I will update you on things in the wild northwest. This week we finally got on of our investigators to come to church. His name is Samuel, and he is awesome. He has had a rough past with gangs and stuff, but he truly want to change, and that is great to see in someone. Where he live is a pretty sketchy part of town, so we have to be pretty careful, but it is ok. I know that we are protected. This week other than that has been a tough one. This transfer, with coming into this area after a while, the missionaries before now just dropped everyone, and I don't really know why. So now, we have really nobody to teach. It has been frustrating, but I know there are prepared people out there. Just keep praying for us. 

I love you guy, and I cant wait to hear from you soon. Keep up the good work, and give the missionaries some referrals! lol

Elder Cybulski

this was a maple bacon sundae at Denny's. Mental note.....only need it one time! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013

I couldn't agree more. I LOVE CONFERENCE!!! We have to watch it at the church building for all of the sessions, but I think that is the best place anyways. I cant believe I have seen conference twice in the same building. There is only one elder that has been in this area longer than I have lol. And he is only ahead by one transfer. The talks by our leaders are always so inspiring, and I cant wait to hear from them again. I especially like elder L. Tom Perry's talk Sunday morning. I also liked president Uchtdorf's talk in priesthood session. They are great leaders , and they carry the spirit with their words. Two things that I learned from conference are the two overarching themes. Saturday was about planning your life, and Sunday, about being obedient. I plan that I will be obedient through my life, so check. Both in one! lol
So, this week we had a baptism!!! He is an awesome guy. His name is John, and he is like the most prepared person ever. We didn't have any problems with him, cause he recognized that his savior prepared him for this. I wish every investigator could be like him. Nothing else super exciting happened this week. It did rain a little bit, but that is ok. We are continuing to try to get the area going, and we are excited for this ward that we got swept into.

I love you guys so much. Take care, and write soon. Oh, I am sending home some winter stuff, just cause it is taking up room in my suit cases.

Elder Cybulski 

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

Elder Cybulski,
It's actually been warm here today in the 60s.  But get's suppose to be in the 30s tomorrow...CRAZY!!!  The trees are starting to bud.  I can't wait for a little more color in the landscaping around here.  I love winter, the snow is pretty, but I'm always ready for spring.
So, how was your week Elder Cybulski?  Where did you have Easter dinner today?  Guess what we had for dinner...yep, as usual...HAM!  At church today, I showed a bunch of people what I called my Easter picture of you.  Halle sent me the pic she got of you and the rabbit.  Everyone got a real kick out of it.  They all say how great you look and ask how your doing. Of course, I share that you are loving your opportunity to serve.  You must be back in your old area by now.  I hope you've had the chance to check up on your previous investigators.  It's always good to make sure they are still on track or doing ok.  I was talking with the sister missionaries today.  They said you emailed them some correspondence from Emma.  Sister Swartz really feels strongly about Emma.  She's only had one visit with her right when she got here recently.  She's brand new in the field and a real sweetheart.  It was inspiring to hear her talk about how she feels like she and Emma are a lot alike and that she feels a real connection to her. She feels like she is just so ready to be a member.  She stated that Emmas thoughts and answers to questions and topics are like those you would hear from a member, not a convert.  I encouraged her to make connection with Emma soon...I guess they had a meeting fall through recently due to splits schedule.  She and Emma will really hit it off I think.  She's so sweet and genuine.  We talked about how busy Emma is right now as a senior and also the fact that her mother, especially, isn't all that supportive.  They will keep trying to meet with her on her schedule.  I encouraged Sister Swartz to share with Emma how she felt a kindredship with her and to share that she understands how busy she is.  Hopefully that will help forge a connection.  I would imagine it's hard to have several different missionaries when you are investigating.  A quick connection would be a blessing.  We hope the best for Emma.
Well, I guess that's all for now.  Oh, did the Easter bunny make it to you before you transferred?
Love you son!  Have a fabulous week!


Hey mom,
Not much time, the computer lady is  trying to kick us out, and we just got here. I didnt read your email. Thank you so much for the tie and candy. I love the tie, i already wore it, and it got a compliment or two. Being in this area again has been great. I love these people, and I love being in this area of the country. It is beautiful with all of the fruit trees finally starting to bloom. This transfer is goifn to interesting though, cause we are starting out with like zero work, and my companion is like the complete opposite of me. He is really up tight, quiet, and OCD. Well, I am a little OCD but not like him. But I am patient, and I am excited to be working here and make it a good transfer. I love you guys. Keep up the good work, and Pray for John Christensen(a baptism this weekend) and The Castlerock ward( my new ward)
Elder Cybulski
p.s. this is our new living accommodations