Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013


I am grateful for a supportive family. I have gotten to work with a lot of missionaries lately, and I am so grateful that my family is a loving family that supports each other, and loves each other no matter what. I am exceptionally grateful for the atonement of our savior Jesus Christ, I know he personally suffered for every single on e of us, and that we can become changed by that sacrifice when we live his gospel. 
I did have lots to eat today. Did you get the emails from the families that I spent time with? I really miss our family dressing cause nobody else does it quite right. But there are tons of different things that I have had up here that are good too. HAlle better be careful cause aunt lisa can thrown down if she needs me lol. I am glad that everyone got to get together for thanksgiving. Next year I will be there, and it will be back to normal. 

WHAAAAAAT, That is so exciting that Ross and tracie are going to have another baby! I am so happy. If the new baby is like amberlie at all, that will be such a fun family to spend time with lol. They already are, but that is just so exciting. Tell ross, that there is a guy (the one that looks like eddie) that I just baptized, and he works for Caterpillar, doing the same thing ross does. 

I am glad you all had a wonderful holiday. Keep having fun, and keep being the great examples of gospel living that you are. 

Elder Cybulski

Happy Turkey Day!  What a great day to think about all we have been blessed with. Life isn't always perfect but when you look at the alternatives you begin to see the many things we really have to be thankful for. I'm especially thankful for a righteous son and his willingness to serve The Lord n a higher purpose. I love you son!

Did you have lots to eat today? Lisa made the dressing and well not as good as previous years but was ok. It is great seeing family. Lisa and Halle keep dueling it seems like. Not surprising since they are a lot alike, lol!  Elaine is a hoot to be around, she makes us all laugh. Jennifer's baby is now 2 and walking. And Dalton is now 6'1", maybe taller. 

Now for the big news...Amberlie is going to be a big sister!  Tracie is having a baby, due in July about the time you get home. Amberlie was really cute telling everyone. Ross and Tracie have been trying for over a year and a half, went they several procedures and were told she probably wouldn't be able to conceive. Just when they accepted the fact, she got pregnant. A little miracle we are all excited about. 

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I so appreciate all you are doing son and feel so blessed to be your mom!  Have a great rest of your week. 

Love, Mom

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Number 2 2013

Hi Elders and family of Elders,  
 We had a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner and hope you all did as well.  We enjoyed having your sons in our home and hope that you are feeling the sweetness that comes with having them serve us here in Spokane.  Happy Holidays to each of you.
Sincerely the Howard's from Spokane, WA

Patti Howard

Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  Thanks for sharing your missionaries with us!

Carol Nowling

November 28, 2013

President Mullen's "handpicked all-star district" according to his own words

And one of our YSA members that had us over for thanksgiving today. 

You should also be getting some emails from other members that I spent the day with. I was well taken care of. 

Love you guys
Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013

So, I got your package. Those cds are so good. Did you get to listen to them?
This last week has been good. We are starting to get busy though. This week we have tansfers. which means that we have meetings about three hours every day with our mission president to review the progress of all 251 of our missionaries, and decide where they will be for the next six weeks, and what their assignments will be. So I am a little stressed, but still staying strong. Elder Whiting, Elder Chang and I are like the best companionship ever. lol We are all so different, but dedicated to the same purpose that it works. I just really hope that I will stay as an assistant for the rest of my mission. I love this ward, and I love working with president mullen and learning leadership skills and things from him. BTW, DId you get a text from sister mullen? She should have sent you a picture. She trys to stay in contact with the AP moms. You are in an elite club now mom. Just think, only three missionaries in any given mission are APs at a time. Being only 17 months out, it is pretty amazing to be the most senior missionary in the mission. It has put a lot of weight on my shoulders, but I have grown so much, even in the last six weeks. I emailed halle, just saying that I still love her after what she said. I love you guys, and cant wait to hear from you. Adios
Elder Cybulski

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013

mom, Thank you for that. In life, sometimes you hit walls, of whether you are doing what is right, and maybe if anything needs to change. I have never doubted whether I am doing what the Lord wants, but Comments like that come at us everyday from people around us, I just didnt need that from my own sister.
On another note, you will never guess who I met tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have attached some pictures. Elder Oaks was in town, and as the assistants to our mission president we got to meet him. We got to have a serious personal conversation with him. I stood with his arm around my shoulder, and he gave us some amazing advice for living corrrectly when we get home. He is an amazing man, and very funny when he is not at the pulpit. He let us in on some very confidential information that I cannot disclose. So dont ask lol. It was very exciting, and a testimony builder that we do have walking, breathing, living apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth today.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

 Mom, I need your help. I dont want to cause any fights, or anything like that, but I cant function when I get emails from Halle Like the one that I just got. She wants me to come home early for her graduation, and I tried to explain to her that that isnt going to happen.  she says this
"How is it giving it up. I'm your freaking sister. You know what fine. I don't even care anymore. Have a great rest of your mission. I'll talk to you when you get home"

 She needs to know how hard it is to be away for two years, and that it isnt that I dont want to be there. But I am not going to end at my 22 month mark, when I would have to be dishonorably released. I will finish my mission, and one day she will know why

 Elder Cybulski

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

thanks for the update!!!

I cant believe that the chiefs are doing so well. However, I can believe that Matt is doing so well in basketball. Keep it up buddy! I cant wait to cheer my head off when you play at the marriot center for BYU. That is also exciting for the BVW team. Apparently my class just tore them down, cause that year was super disappointing. I am glad that Halle is getting a good senior year. Those are some sweet pictures. I saw that matt has his permit, and I almost fell out of my chair. I thought he would stay small forever, and that I would always drive him around. 

I love that you are helping out the sister missionaries. When members are involved, not just in meals, but in finding, the Lord is present in the Work. I have really learned that the absolute best way to work, is to let the members find, and to fulfill my call by teaching. So, you need to give the missionaries names of people to go see. Of course, missionaries will always be finders, but we were meant to teach and cry repentance to the world. Yeah, sorry about "uncle daddy" He is a weird guy that just like to call missionaries parents to let them know we are ok. 

As for things here, I dont think I have ever been busier in my life. Litterally, as assistants to the president the three of us make sure this mission runs. President, and the office missionaries dont know this, but we do half of all their jobs for them, cause if we left some their own responsibilites to them, everything would fall apart lol, and it has in the past. We carry the same load that every other missionary hold, plus all the behind the scenes work like travel plans, meals, trainings, transfers, mail, supplies, and exchanges. 

But this week, we had a baptism of Tyler Bates. A great kid that just wants the Holy Ghost in his life. The Lord has constantly been moving around, and I havent seen many baptisms, and now he is blessing me for my diligence. There is a picture. 

This week I also got a letter from Emma! She had an amazing experience at her own church. The spirit basically told her that she needs to go read the book of mormon, so she did, and then she figured out some things that she needs to do. I was so happy, cause I know that one day she will get baptized, the question is whether she will act on what she knows is true. 

I also went to the temple today, and finally saw the new video. OMG!!! it is amazing. I learned so much. I cant wait to be able to go more often, and to learn more and more from the experience there. 

I love you guys. Take care, and write soon
Elder Cybulski

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 Email


thanks for the email. I will be praying about those things, and What I can do. There was a pretty amazing thing that I learned this week. There is a girl in our ysa ward that recently got back from her missioin. Her little brother, while she was gone started to make some bad decisions, and started to stray from the testimony that he had. While she was gone, and when she was home, she reached out to him, and was just a loving sister. Now, he wants to get back to church, and yesterday he told us that he wants to serve a mission. We are so excited to help him in the repentance process, and to help him fulfill his duty as a priesthood holder. 

Also, this week we had a baptism of a kid named ben. Look at the picture, and tell me that he doesnt look exactly like Eddie! He had been going to church for like three years with his girlfriend. One sunday he pulled us and bishop aside, and said, "Ive been praying, and I want to be baptized, can we make that happen?" We were so excited, and we taught him in a week, and then had the baptismal service. It was a great blessing to have since I have been transferred so much lately.

I love you guys. Tell me about how everything is going there. Did you ever get those promotions. How are sports, and how is the family?

Elder cybulski

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013

Funny picture of our tri-panionship. What does it remind you of.....?????