Monday, June 23, 2014

Last Email of My Mission

Hey everyone,

So that time has come. This is the departing email of Elder Cybulski. I knew this day would come when I signed up for my mission. However, it came much faster than I was almost ready for. 

The mission has changed me from the inside out. I have had countless experiences that have strengthened my testimony and helped me be the converted son of God that I know He wishes for me. The words that we preach are true. The actions that we take to follow His will can and will touch the loves of others, even when We dont see the fruit. 

The greatest thing that I have learned is the be diligent no matter what. On my mission, I did not see the fruit of any of my labors until I was out just past 18 months. Since then I have received word of those in past areas that have found their savior, and have now chosen to follow him. Serve the Lord, and Be persistent, and diligent. He will reward you according to His timetable.

I know that This is His restored gospel. Joseph Smith did see the Father and Jesus Christ, and The priesthood was restored through him. We hold all that we need to return to home to our Father. Jesus Christ is my savior. His atonement cleanses and enable, and I have felt both powers in my life. This is his kingdom on the earth. Our brothers and sisters are waiting to hear this message, and I will always live my life in a way that they can see the joy that comes from the true gospel of the one and only son of God. 

It is hard to encompass all that my mission has taught me in one email, but if I were to say just one thing, it is that The Savior lives. He is actively involved in our lives, and in the lives of those around us. He love all of his children. Serve him, and you will feel that love. Be a leader, and emulate His example!

Work hard, and stay strong!

Love you all!

Elder Alex Cybulski

Love you Family,

See you Next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Travel Itinerary HOME!

Below is the final version of the travelers itinerary, please review as there is a possibility of schedule changes.  Any changes made to a scheduled flight between now and departure time will require an email stating the specific changes and reason for the change.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014


This last week was tons of fun. From being on exchanges out in Spirit Lake, Idaho where they have signs for ATV crossings to Having a nerf gun war with our ward mission leader’s kids we did a lot of things. On Wednesday we had a great lesson with our investigator Dorris. She understood the plan of Salvation a little better by the time we were done. Then we had another lesson with her on Thursday. But on Saturday we had a cool experience. So there is a family called the Loves in our ward. The wife is a recent convert, and her son is in town, and he isn’t a member. We have been trying so hard to meet him, but they are never home. Almost 100% of the time, if their minivan is not in the drive way as well, they are home, so that is our indicator every time we drive past. We didn’t have them planned on Saturday to go see. On the way past the turn for their street, something told me to turn towards their house. So we went, but when we got there, the car wasn’t there, so I was like, “well, maybe it was a prompting, maybe it wasn’t, Lets go knock anyways… they have never been home without the minivan.” So we knocked, and nobody answered… It was such a letdown. I totally thought that it was a prompting to go over to their home. Then, as we were walking away, the husband Michael woke up from a nap and opened the door, and yelled “Elders!!! Get back here” We got to go inside and teach them a lesson. It was so cool to act on a prompting, and to see it not come to pass until after I put forth every effort to follow it. I have had so many experiences like that on my mission.

Then we had a great Father’s day, and I think you got those pictures from our Ward mission leader! Love you dad. I also got my flight details and the time for my departing interview with President Mullen. It is so surreal, cause I can remember when My trainer Elder Igleski got his when I was only out a couple of weeks in the field. I cant really believe that it has come to the end. I am going to miss my mission so much. I feel so blessed that it is right here in the states, and that I can visit. But I will miss working with people in this way. Hopefully I will be able to be really involved with missionaries in the future. So I will see all of you on June 30th at the Kansas city Airport at 5:22 p.m.!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

Your interview is confirmed for 7:30pm on Monday the 30th. We will have just enough time with your arrival at 5:20pm to hug on you a bit, collect your things and get you to the Stake Center. Lol. Can't wait!!!

Love, mom

Well, Tell president ross that I will probably linger, not wanting to be released... but I will do so. Thanks mom

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

I got a great picture of you and your companion from Bro Black. They love you guys out there and say you are doing some amazing work!  Congrats!!! Just promise me you will never, ever put horns in your vehicle. LOL!!!  Pretty funny.

Sounds like your week was fruitful and that you are making lots if contacts. That's wonderful. You are making every moment count.

So wanted to tell you my exciting news. I took my big test on Saturday that I've been studying for since February. I PASSED!!!  Yea!  I have to say it was so hard. I used the full 3 hours. I will definitely be keeping up my certification. I don't want to ever have to take it again that's for sure. Now I can sign my name...

Laurie Cybulski, PHR

Haha!, We only did it cause we are in north Idaho, and it has been a good conversation starter. But yes, I would never do that on my own vehicle.

MOM, That is so exciting, I knew you would pass. You cant help me all through school with countless paper, and not be able to pass that. You had it in the bag from the beginning. But, What does PHR stand for? 

I am glad that Gran gran is home. I have been praying for her. 

So this week, I found out that I have some sort of an allergy to pollen. There are so many different kinds of trees up here, and they are all pollinating. When the wind blows there are big clouds of yellow that blow off of the trees, and you have to brush your cars off in the morning. Something about one of the types of pollen, my body doesnt like. My nose and eyes have been going crazy this whole last week, but I got some allergy medicine today, and I am feeling better. Mental not not to come to Idaho in May and June... this didnt happen last year in washinton. But we have seen some good things. This last week we had some awesome people that we talked to that are interested in the church. We will be passing them, to other elders, cause they arent in our boundaries, but that is how it goes sometimes. We will hopefully have a baptism the last week that I am out. Ross, the guy that you saw on mothers day, his wife is easing up, and it is going well. And another lady named dorris. 

I did have a few queestions, just to clarify. What should I do with my bike? should I leave it here, ship it home, or what? I dont know of anyone that is connected with kansas, so I am not sure if someone can bring it for us, but just wondering what to do. Also, Did you get my release interview set up the day I get home? 

Love you guys,
elder Cybulski

p.s. We saw a moose this week!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

You are right, I am thinking, WOW!!! I am just glad that they caught something when they did. I cant imagine how much worse it could have been. But Gran gran is a super woman, so I know that she will be fine, and will be able to recover quickly. Thank you for letting me know. And you know, if anything else happens, you can call president mullen, and he can get the info to me a lot quicker.

I am glad that Halle got to go with you too, I am sure it was good for her to get away and spend time with family.

So, This week time went by way too fast. Working with young missionaries has been a struggle. They are not only learning what being obedient looks like, but trying to provide for themselves for the first time in their lives. I feel like a mom sometimes lol. But I love it, being the grandpa of the mission now puts some different responsibilities on my shoulders.

Love you guys,

Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014

Hey family,

It was another good week here in the beautiful panhandle of idaho. I have some pictures to send you from the view at one of our members homes. 

This week as great to be with Elder Clark. We are so alike, that we just get a long really well. I am sure that we will spend lots of time together after the mission. However, he has over a year left, so it may be a while lol. 

I am just hanging in there. It is still bitter sweet, and it gets more bitter and more sweet as I get closer. But I am not trunky, I feel like I havent worked this hard in my whole misison. We are finding new potential investigators left and right, and the members are helping us more than ever from the trust that we have built. So we are soon to see miracle, I just know it.

Love you guys,

Elder Cybulski

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

Hope you have a great P-Day planned. I'm off work since it's a bank holiday, Yea!

I got a call from the Hayden Ward Mission Leader last night. I can't recall his name. He spoke very highly of you. He just wanted to call and tell us what a wonderful young man we had raised. He said he had had opportunities to go on visits with you and that you were an amazing missionary. What a proud moment for a parent!  We all have opportunities to make an impression on people every day with the contact that we have with them. You are making an impact on more people than you know just by being the person you are. Your love, compassion, leadership, strong work ethics, sense of right and wrong, diligence, and so many other positive traits give people a reason to pause and be grateful for knowing you. I am so very proud to call you my son!  Keep up the good work!

Have a wonderful day and take a special moment to express gratitude for those who serve our country and allow us the freedoms we have.

Love, Mom

Brother Calderwood called you!? He is probably my favorite ward mission leader I have had, just cause he actually fulfills his calling, and is so outgoing to meet the people we are teaching and help them.
I already emailed, so I dont have much else for this email. I love you guys. Dad, Thank you for serving for our freedom!

love you guys,
Elder Cybulski

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Hey family!!!
so, I now know where I will be for my last transfer!!! I am going to be staying here in an English ward, and I will being training an elder how to be a zone leader. I am excited to finish working with the people here. Ross, the guy that was skyping with us, has a baptismal date for June 21st now, and we are praying hard that his wife will let him go through with it.
Sometimes I wish that time would slow down a little, so that I can get more done throughout the days, but I am excited to see you guys, and move to the next step in life, so I am excited.
This last week we knocked on a door that a former member of the church lived at, and him and his wife both came to the door. Those both just started bringing up all this false doctrine and misconceptions about the church, and things that they think we believe. I just had such a terrible feeling as they stood there, and talked down on the restored truth that we hold so dear. What they said about us didn't mean anything to mean though, cause I just interrupted them, and with all the spirit I could muster bore a powerful testimony of the savior. HE is God's son. He came to the earth to perform the atonements, to suffer for everyone of our mistakes, pains, illnesses, and stupidities. He suffered immense ridicules and death, and rose from that so that we can all be saved by his grace. HE has restored his church, and it stands for all to see, and everything to back it up. As I said that the spirit was AWESOME! Neither of them could say another word, and Elder Howard and I just left them with that feeling. One of many experiences like that on my mission that I will never forget the lord helping us through.
Love you guys, Let me know how everything is going. How was the graduation and everything?

Elder Cybulski

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

It was so great to see you yesterday. What a great Mother's day present!  Not sure how you can top that in the future. Lol.

So, not sure if you could tell how Halle is struggling with her desire to be involved in the church. I'm hoping with you at home, something will trigger a renewed desire. Pressure definitely doesn't work. She's an adult now and very "vocal" about her life. She's still going to church with us although not always with a great attitude. I can't understand why she's so negative. I understand wanting to figure it out for herself and not being told by parents what she has to do. But it's more like she's anti Church almost. I tell you this so that you will know what your walking back into. It's been a real struggle with her this year in more ways than one.  Her concerns seem so superficial. Maybe maturity is the key!

I wanted so badly for you to come home to a family rich in spirituality because that's what you deserve. But life throws at us challenges to overcome and we take steps each day trying to figure out how to overcome them. I'm so worried you will be disappointed in us. We are definitely not the perfect family I would wish for you. But we love you so much!  You have had some wonderful experiences as a missionary and some challenges as well, I'm sure. I love hearing how much you love being a missionary. You will always be one, you know!  Maybe your next mission is to truly convert your sister. Who knows, I wish I saw the love for the Savior in her eyes like I feel it from you. Maybe someday...  We just have to love her, that's what the Savior would do, right?!

My heart is full for my children this day. You are all so unique and special in different ways. I'm proud to be your mother. I hope your last month is filled with wonderful experiences.

Love you dearly,


Hey mom,

Yeah, I could tell, we have been talking about it on email. Sometimes I have seen that people just need to feel the need of it when it is as readily available. Going away definitely helped me grow my testimony and choose to have it in my life. I think it will be the same for her. While I didnt vocalize it, I was going through the same thing before college just to be honest with you. 

Mom, I never expected my mission to change you guys, I knew that we would have things to deal with throughout life. I am changed alot, but I wil still struggle every once in a while. dont think that you guys had to change with me. And that is exacly right. the people that I have seen get baptized, and that stay in the church are the ones that were loved. The ones that just felt the knowledge didnt stay, but the ones that felt love always stay. 

Happy mothers day mom, It was good to see all of you. Now it is time to focus until the end. Make all the plans that you want, and I will totally be involved and be with you guys as much as possible!!! 

Love you guys

Elder Cybulski

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

Hope all went well for you last week. It's been beautiful here with temps in the 70s and 80s. It's been nice to sit out on the deck. There's not much different going on here. I missed church yesterday, migraine. Always feel not quite ready for the week when I miss church. Matthew and I are reading D&C right now. I never realized how much guidance was there. The Lord spoke directly to so many people, giving promises of wonderful things for their faithful service. He took great care to warn of temptation and made faith very personal. I'm really enjoying reading it. Are you studying anything specific these days?

So we've been trying to decide on some type of vacation for this summer. Any requests?

Graduation is close for Halle and boy does she have senioritis!  Mom, Dad and Lisa will be coming up for it. I don't think Elaine and Barry will come. Elaine is taking care of a friend who is going through brain cancer. Unfortunately, not much of a celebration in Halle's eyes. I'm just praying she makes it through AP Govt. Lol

So, will we be "seeing" you this weekend?  We are in 1pm church these days. Let me know when you will be skyping. Can't wait to see that sweet face.

Love you son!  See you soon, Mom

Hey family!!!!!
It has been beautiful out here as well. All of the cherry trees are in bloom. The tall evergreens look great in the sun, and the lake is sparkling. This is an awesome area. There is one member family, who we are teaching his friend that we see a lot, and they are big bow hunters. I keep wanting to shoot bows, but I cant. I have had like 5 members promise to take me hunting or fishing if I ever come visit, so Dalton and I need to make a trip back up here sometime. But we are having so much fun in the work. Right now I am studying a lot about the qualities of leaders from different talk of our general authorities past and present. It has been a great study. In the scriptures it has just stood out to me lately how often it metions the need to stay firm/consistent in our faith. Consistency is key with the ability to have self mastery.
I don't have any requests for vacation. Just know that my tan line is a little funky with these collars lol. But I need to work on it.
Yes, you will be seeing me this weekend. I will be skyping at one of our investigators homes. So it will be a missionary opportunity as well. it is the parents of a recent convert in our ward. The Husband totally wants to joing the church, but we are hoping that us skyping there will soften the wifes heart as she sees the relationships that we have in our families. His number is 208-699-0103 if you would like to call and set up the skyping before hand. We are planning on it at 4 o clock our time, so 6 o clock for you guys. His name is Ross, and he is a cool guy, about 60 years old.
love you guys, cant wait to talk

Elder Cybulski

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

It's official, I have flight info in're coming home!  I know you must have mixed feelings but we are super excited!

Make the most of every moment. Enjoy every day.

Not much time to write today. I'm slammed at work. Thinking about you. Love you lots!!!


Hey family!

Another exciting week. Yesterday we got a visit from Elder Bowen of the first quorum of the 70. It was great to learn from him. One thing he said really stuck out to me. He said that as priesthood holders, either physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, there are places we can never go, things we can never see. Thoughts we can never think, and sites we can never see! Those things just arent worthy of us as children of god, and people that strive to have the blessing of the priesthood in our lives. But men and Women. It really struck my heart, and helped me realize the power we all have through personal righteousness.  

This week we have seen great success. We are now teaching a kid named Steven. there are two priests in the ward that just got their calls, and he is their best friend. they invited ghim to take the lessons, and we are teaching him. The examples of the two member families that he has known have made all the difference. He should be the next to get baptized here in the Hayden 1st ward. 

I just love my mission!

Elder Cybulski

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Hello there!

I've been thinking a lot about you in your new area.  I'm sure you are getting acclimated and getting to know the members of the Ward you are in.  Are you Spanish speaking at all!  I know you said you are one of the few in your mission.

There's not much new here. We are finally getting the house painted. It needs it really bad. I came home to check on the color choice we made on Friday and part of our house was mauve. Yes, I said mauve. Is that even a color anymore.  Ugh, it was gross!  Needless to say we stopped the painting and went with a different color. Of course now we have gallons and gallons of mauve paint in our garage. Who knows what we will do with it. We went with a darker grayish taupe color instead. Yep, gotta conform to Johnson County Brown!  I'm crossing my fingers it will look good once in the house. I don't think changing colors again would go over very well.

I'm still studying like crazy but can't seem to get it all to stick in my brain. I have 6 books and lots of material to soak up.  I'm getting nervous that I won't pass. I find myself praying for brain capacity and better memory function. LOL

I look forward to your update on how things are going.

Love you son!


HEy mom,
I am definitely getting acclimated to the area. This area is a lot more wealthy than any of my past areas. It is mostly lake homes, and retired families. So it is different to work with. WE have to really help people see the need to be humble sometimes. But we have a few people that are awesome, and really progressing. The youth in the ward are awesome at inviting. This ward has nine missionaries out!
Easter was awesome. I really love Easter now, cause I have come to understand and appreciate the atonement so much more in my life, that Easter means so much more to me now.
Sounds like fun painting the house. Just sell the extra paint on craigs list or something. lol  I cant wait to see the house, I am sure lots has changed.
Mom, I know that you will do fine. You always helped me with school work, and I know you will have the ability to take that test and do well. Don't worry.
Love you mom
Elder Cybulski

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 (2)

I kind of already emailed since I didn't get a chance to last week. But things are going good here.
Just tell Halle to set some time everyday for studying. The biggest thing I learned in college and on my mission is consistency. Whenever I just tell myself that I will just do it sometime this week, or tomorrow, it never gets done. But If I decide when and where ahead of time, and I don't make plans that conflict with it, then I am more likely to get it done and be successful, and therefore less stressed.
I think it is so crazy that Matt is moving into High School. I don't feel like I have been our of high school that long but it has been 3 years!!! It just baffles me sometimes. Let Matt go long on Ol' Red with Pa-pa. He will have plenty of room to learn out there.
Love you Guys
Elder Cybulski

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
Hi son, so how does it feel to be out in the field again?  It may take some getting used to. I can't believe how close it is to you coming home. I know you must be feeling mixed emotions about it which is to be expected. Enjoy the ride to the finish.

So, I met with a member of the Stake Presidency yesterday for my temple recommend. It is wonderful to meet with them periodically. They are truly inspired men. They don't really know each member personally, yet they rely on the Spirit to know just what to say that's personal to each member. It was a faith promoting experience. I love those!

How was your new ward?  I hope it was a welcoming experience yesterday. Each ward has its own personality. I'm sure you have many stories of that.

So, an update on family...Halle is trying to graduate. I say that because she is so checked out already.  Remember what it was like to be a senior in your last semester?!  Matthew is already starting to think about High School. It's hard to believe he will be there next year. Dad is taking him driving when he gets a chance. Oh my, he's going to need lots of practice. Lol. That's about it here. We look forward to hearing all about your transfer.

Love you son!


April 14, 2014

Hey mom,
YEs, I did register for classes. I am all set for now. I will meet with an advisor before school starts, to double check everything, but I think I am all set.
You will receive my flight info before I do. It should be there pretty soon. But if not, I will use my connections in the office to get that to you when it comes in.
So, I am doing good. I just got sent to Hayden, Idaho. This will probably be my last area, and I am already growing to like it. It is a pretty rich area, but everyone is way into hunting and fishing, and prepping for the end of the world. So it is tons of fun.
We met this guy named Jory on Friday. He is a rapper, and his stage name is Jawba, cause he is really big... He is so prepared. He is basically a member already, cause he things the godhead should be the way we see it, that there should be more scripture, and that we should still have prophets. He is pretty amazing. So he is going to get baptized here in a few weeks. Such an awesome start to my time here in the Hayden Lake 1st ward.
How is everyone there? School is starting to wrap up? Don't let halle get too much senioritis.
Love you guys
Elder Cybulski

p.s. Elder Lohan and I had a tea party with some members before I left

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4, 2014

HEy Family,
Got some news for everyone. So, i have been the senior missionary in this mission for 7 months now, longer than any other assistant before me. President Mullen has now called a new assistant, and for my last two transfers I will going back out to proselyte and teach a lot more! I really am excited. I love working with president, and counseling with him on different issues, but i am ready to find teach and baptize again.

So, I may not be able to email everyone as frequently as I have been. But I will be able to write more letters, and send better emails on mondays. To end my mission is this way is exactly what I wanted to do. I have really learned that Leadership isnt about position or authority, it is about service. And that wherever you serve faithfully, you will be powerful. 

Love you guys

Elder Cybulski

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:

I am so proud for you son. I have to admit I will miss the frequent emails. I love the easier access but you enriching the lives of so many others, well I guess I can give a little on the communication. lol.

Have you had the chance to register for classes yet?  Hopefully you can do that before you font have an accessible way to do it.

Also, when will you have actual flight home date/time info?

Excited for future emails about those you teach. What a wonderful way to end your mission!

Love you!!!  Mom

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014

Hey family,
So, I know I have not sent a proper email in a while, and I apologize. We have been dealing with some logistical issues for the last few weeks, but they are all getting sorted out. I have come to realize that puzzles, like housing, and cars, and how to move people around in an effective way are really stressful, and really fun for me. I like finding solutions to things.
But, It is cold here as well. On sunday we got like a foot of snow in the four hours we were at church. But then, luckily, on monday it rained, and it is all off the roads and things now. Except for thugly piles that linger around. At the beginning of february, which feels like yesterday, we had a week in the 0 degree range. It was brutal for our missionaries. But it has been in the 30s recently, which has been nice.
I am glad that primary is going good. I knew you would love working with the little ones. I cant wait to see how they do gospel principles when I get back. In our mission the missionaries will teach it occasionally. I have loved learning in that class, and as a leader how to teach a facilitate learning in large groups like that. Being in a YSA ward, sometimes it can be a little iffy with the doctrine that is brought up, or the participation. It really just varies from week to week, so I am glad you have all those good teachers.
This last transfer we were challenged to read the book of mormon in 6 weeks, and I really loved that. I learned so much. One thing that really stood out to me was in Alma chapter 14. As a missinary I have grown to love the missionaries in the Book of Mormon. In this chapter I learned how Heavenly Father will allow bad things to occur for a certain purpose, but that he will always uphold his righteous sevants. If we will be his active servants, then he will uphold us as well. And how important a role repentance plays in that as well. That is my spiritual message of the day...
I miss you guys. This is the longest I have stayed in any given area of my mission. I dont feel like I have been here for a long time, but it has been since the middle of October... I love it in this ward, but I really miss doing the missionary work in spanish. I have a love for the spanish people that I cant explain.
I do need your help with something though. We are teaching two really awesome people named Taylor and Megan. They arent related and seperate investigators, but they both need your prayers. Taylor needs help with a legal situation, and Megan needs strength cause she is about to get baptized and her brother wants to "talk about this mormon thing". So she just needs the strength to stand for what the spirit has told her is true, which we arent worried about, but the extra prayers could never hurt.
Love you Family. Dont start counting down the days yet. I will get there when I get there. Cant wait to see you

Elder Cybulski

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16-17, 2014

On Feb 16, 2014, at 9:31 PM, Alexander Cybulski <> wrote:
My sunday was good, we just got back from dropping off 200 sack dinners at a homeless shelter with all the members in our YSA ward. It was awesome to give those out and to talk to a few of the people there and to bring the light of christ into their lives.
Awesome to hear the Juston just got home. Say hi for me and tell him I have 3 transfers left...
I hope to end my mission in a spanish area, so that I have that same problem. I am sick of speaking english, I miss the hispanic people.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
What a great experience. I've always wanted us to go to a soup kitchen or something like that at Thanksgiving. I love the thought of serving. Maybe this next year we can do that. 

How is the companionship situation?  Do you think you will be transferred from an assistant back to the field before you come home. They say each mission is different but that the president sometimes likes that to be your last experience, to teach and be close to the people.  

You know The Lord will put you where you are suppose to be for those who need you as well as what you need. Embrace these last few months. They will go by quickly. I love that your homecoming is so close but I know you will miss the daily experiences as a missionary. Enjoy each day!

Love, mom

I love you too Mom!

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
I'm so very proud to be your mom!  I love you son. Have a good week.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Alexander Cybulski <> wrote:
It was very rewarding. Just to talk to them, and lift them up in a time of need was great for all of us to experience.
The companionship situation has gotten a little better. We have had some long conversations about things, and it has helped a little. I won't talk about it too much, cause I don't want you to think he is a bad guy. I love him, just personality differences are hard to get past some times.
I think that I will go to a different area before I come home.  Assistants have never been called as early on as I was. So, I think he could send me back out, but you never know.
I love you Mom, Thanks for the asvice and encouragement. I needed that. This last week was hard cause I am realizing how short my time is, and I want to be doing more. I know I have done all that the Lord wanted, but I just want it to last longer. This really is his work.
Elder Cybulski

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

HEy Family,
Another crazy week as the assistant to the mission president. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we have trainings from 9-4 with all themissionaries in the whole mission. This time, I am the senior assistant, and it puts a whole new level of pressure on me. I sware, president is trying to see how far I can succeed. I have found that I flourish when I have no idea what to train on, or when president tells me a new topic right before I get up in front of all the missionaries. The spirit is a wonderful thing that helps so much, and I am so thankful for a heavenly father that would allow me to have that.
So, on sunday I was talking to one of our investigators, and he has not been able to get baptised, because he is facing a trial for a ridiculous situation that he shouldnt be tried with. Anyways, I was like, lets put our faith in god, and plan for your baptism, and I know that he will help. So he is on date to be baptized in a few weeks. So, We are super excited to help him, and pray that his charge gets dropped, which it should.
i love you family. Stay warm, cause I am using all my christmas goodies to stay warm too.
Elder Cybulski

p.s. pardon my quick typing

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

It has been really cold here too. We have been in the below 10s almost this whole week. It has not  been fun. We got snow as well, but not as much as yall. We are supposed to get some more tonight I heard.
That is so exciting that you are in the primary. You are gonna do great in there. The Lord is keeping you in touch with the little ones, cause we are all getting bigger lol.
I am so happy to hear that you are taking care of the missionaries there. It really means a lot to them that you do that, and I am sure they really love all our antics lol. Say hi to them for me, and tell them to keep up the good work. And tell them to take halle teaching with them.
So carli told me that she has been trying to get in touch with halle lately, but halle has not responded. Tell halle to respond! She has talked to kip, but not carli...
I have not got a package yet, but I will open it on valentines day, thanks for the heads up. Love you guys!

Elder Cybulski

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014

Mom, I love you so much. thank you for being the amazing mother that you are, no matter what the circumstances are. I am still your little boy even if I am 21. Dont worry.
Elder Cybulski

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Laurie Cybulski <> wrote:
Happy Birthday Son!!!  Hope you are having a fabulous day. About this time, 21 years ago they laid you in my arms and I fell in love with my little boy. You're always in my heart and forever on my mind. Kisses and hugs!!!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014

Hey, dont worry, our YSA ward meets at 2 p.m. You can do it. It has really helped fasting mean that much more to me.

So, I got my new companion this last week. He is from London, and has a cool accent. This week has been pretty stressful. I am now the most senior missionary in the entire mission, as the senior assistant. It is a lot of weight to hold, but I am learning from it already. This transfer is going to be a trial by fire, and I am ready to take it on with the Lord's help. 

Yesterday we drove for 12 hours getting missionaries to their new areas. It was a long day, but we got it all done. 

Thanks for all the support family. Love yall

Elder cybulski

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2014

Check it out!!!!!!!
It being transfer week, I will email yall later in the week, but I wanted to send you this pic

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Hey Family,

What has been going on? Our new years was pretty good. We spent some time with other missionaries, and got to build the unity of the mission. It was good to do.

We have Elder Andersen coming to our missoin this saturday to have a mission conference with us. elder chang and I will be on the stand with him and President Mullen. It will be yet another great opportunity to learn and grow even more.

I love yall. 


Elder cybulski

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

HAppy New year!! No, today I think we had Subway lol. I asked for black eyed peas, but I dont think they had any...

Yeah, I read the article about him in the Ensign, and it was great to get to know him a little better. I wish I had time to read his book. I want to really read all of the teachings of the prophets books. I have learned so much from reading all the talks that I have gotten. There is one talk that I read the other day called "The Ideal Teacher" By President Packer. He gave it to seminary teachers back in the 60's, and the only reason i could get the talk is cause President Mullen can access talks like that. I will try to send you a copy. But he really talks about the top qualities that he has seen in great leaders and in great teachers. It has helped me so much to see really what are the Christ like attributes of leadership and teaching. 

I love you all, and hope all is going well. Dont forget to make your new years resolution in ways that will bring you closer to christ

Elder Cybulski