Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014

Hey family,
So, I know I have not sent a proper email in a while, and I apologize. We have been dealing with some logistical issues for the last few weeks, but they are all getting sorted out. I have come to realize that puzzles, like housing, and cars, and how to move people around in an effective way are really stressful, and really fun for me. I like finding solutions to things.
But, It is cold here as well. On sunday we got like a foot of snow in the four hours we were at church. But then, luckily, on monday it rained, and it is all off the roads and things now. Except for thugly piles that linger around. At the beginning of february, which feels like yesterday, we had a week in the 0 degree range. It was brutal for our missionaries. But it has been in the 30s recently, which has been nice.
I am glad that primary is going good. I knew you would love working with the little ones. I cant wait to see how they do gospel principles when I get back. In our mission the missionaries will teach it occasionally. I have loved learning in that class, and as a leader how to teach a facilitate learning in large groups like that. Being in a YSA ward, sometimes it can be a little iffy with the doctrine that is brought up, or the participation. It really just varies from week to week, so I am glad you have all those good teachers.
This last transfer we were challenged to read the book of mormon in 6 weeks, and I really loved that. I learned so much. One thing that really stood out to me was in Alma chapter 14. As a missinary I have grown to love the missionaries in the Book of Mormon. In this chapter I learned how Heavenly Father will allow bad things to occur for a certain purpose, but that he will always uphold his righteous sevants. If we will be his active servants, then he will uphold us as well. And how important a role repentance plays in that as well. That is my spiritual message of the day...
I miss you guys. This is the longest I have stayed in any given area of my mission. I dont feel like I have been here for a long time, but it has been since the middle of October... I love it in this ward, but I really miss doing the missionary work in spanish. I have a love for the spanish people that I cant explain.
I do need your help with something though. We are teaching two really awesome people named Taylor and Megan. They arent related and seperate investigators, but they both need your prayers. Taylor needs help with a legal situation, and Megan needs strength cause she is about to get baptized and her brother wants to "talk about this mormon thing". So she just needs the strength to stand for what the spirit has told her is true, which we arent worried about, but the extra prayers could never hurt.
Love you Family. Dont start counting down the days yet. I will get there when I get there. Cant wait to see you

Elder Cybulski