Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013

I missed sending you an email today and getting one back from you. Doesn't seeming a Monday without it. I know you must be so busy in your new area with meeting new missionaries and training others while learning the area yourself. I think it's cool how you go in and out of Spanish speaking areas. It will keep your Spanish fresh. Hispanics are such genuine people. I know that's probably stereotyping but the seem much more humble than most. I hope your having a good experience in your new area. What does your home away from home look like these days?

Matthew and I are going to Texas this next week. Halle has her new job and can't get away. Dad has to work too so Matthew and I are going on a road trip. Gran Gran is giving me the guilt trip so it's time for a visit. Texas in July...what am I thinking?!?!?!

Well that's all for now. Hope to hear from you!

As always,  love ya tons!!!

Hugs and Kisses,

Hey Family,
So, yesterday I had meetings, and trainings to give, so we moved our P day to today. That is why you didn't get an email. Out here in Spokompton we have been having a great week/weekend. On Friday we had Elder Peiper from the first quorum of the Seventy come to visit the mission. I got to sit down with him as a zone leader, and talk about the mission for a little bit. One thing he told me really stuck out. He said that we don't really need to know the how or what of things, but when we understand the WHY, we will know what to do, and how to do it. This last week has been a tough one. With the mission being split, Elder Hargiss and I are the only Spanish speakers staying in the Spokane mission. Everyone else got sent to the Kennewick mission. When Elder Hargiss leaves in a few months, I will be the only Spanish speaker left.
I am glad that you guys are getting the chance to go visit Gran Gran. She needs it. Tell her hey for me.
I love you guys, you are always in my prayers.
Elder Cybulski
p.s. these are the Army bags that we got, Me and some of my past companions

June 25, 2013

What did you think about the broadcast on Sunday? I got super pumped to go help members with their work. Through my mission, bishops have just been telling me to go out and find, but now I get to tell them to find, and I will do the teaching. We have to be united in all that we do. We have to perform our own roles, and work together so that it will all run smoothly and be effective. What are you guys going to do to help the missionaries?

Elder Cybulski

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 (2)

I hope you had a great fathers day yesterday. I sent you a card, I hope you got it.
This week has been really busy. We have been working like crazy to end the transfer on a good note. And I feel accomplished. I cant believe that a year has almost gone by. I have had more experiences that I can say. I will have to sit down for llike a week when I get home to tell you everything that has happened. It is good that we have planners to keep, cause I can tell you what I have done for every hour of every day on the mission.
I am glad that Halle is with sarah, It will be a good influence. Are halle and Aimee still friends? I show Kelly's Mormon.org video to people all the time. You should tell her that I wanna go to Honduras with them when I get back, and translate for them or something lol.
But I got to go.
Love you dad,
Elder Cybulski

p.s. this is how my back pack looks now. It is saweet!

June 17, 2013

You have to show Matt that Easter Washington university has a red football field, and they play in red jerseys. There is a big controversy over it. And we got this sweet picture .

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

Hi there son!  News of the week is that Matthew is at KU basketball camp, Sunday thru Thursday. He's already over the top excited. He wanted to make sure I told you all about it and sent a pic. At registration he got to meet all the players and get all their autographs. We took a frame may with us and he's going to put his picture with Bill Self in it (they take one at camp and send it to you).  It was pretty cool how they had it set up do that all the kids went thru to get to meet them. He was thrilled about that but mostly he's excited to be at camp all week on his own I think. At least he doesn't have to do laundry like you did that one time. Lol

So, how was your week. How is the new investigator doing?  Are his parents softening at all?   You should go meet them. Parents just love you. You have a way of putting them at ease with the way you treat them with respect.

It's finally gotten hot here, well really just in the 80s some 90s but very humid, lots of storms moving thru, no tornados though.

Guess that's about it this week. As always, love you bunches!  Hugs and kisses!

Love, Mom

Hey mom,
Thanks for the update. That is a cool camp sounds like for matt. I am glad he is having fun.
That investigator is doing good. He is progressing, but his parents aren't too fond of us. WE actually went by his dads house, and the dad came out with a video camera saying that if we came by again he would press charges for harassment. He tried to say that we had been there before, but Elder Molyneaux and I have never met the guy. It was a crazy contact. I think he might just have to wait until he is 18 to get baptized.
This week was pretty good. We found another new investigator. It was this lady named Neidra. She is pretty solid. The only thing she needs, is to do the things we invite her to do, cause I know that she will progress if she does that. She is very prepared.
But, On Saturday we got transfer calls again, and I am moving..... Yet again. I am not moving far. With all the mission changes, President Mullen wants to put Elder Hargiss(a Spanish missionary" and I in the only Spanish branch on this side of the mission to get it going. We will be zone leaders of the same zone that I was in, but we will be in a different area. I am excited to do Spanish work again, but I am sad to leave elder Molyneaux. We really got along, and taught well together.
But that is what is going on here in our world. It is getting hotter, and more people are outside to meet. Pray that I will be able to find the very few Hispanics in Spokane.
Love you guys,
Elder Cybulski

p.s. Last P Day we went mountain biking. This is along the Centennial trail(the longest trail in America) on the Spokane river

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

Hello there Son!

Hope your week went great!  Did you get your package?  I need your size for garments and I'll order them.

So I wanted to share something with you after my long letter I wrote you. Thanks for listening by the way. In Relief Society today our lesson was on Temples. We were talking about what temples do for us. One of the sisters shared this...she has some friends who both have struggles with wayward family members. One mother decided that she would go to the temple every day to pray for the family member and she told her family about the experiences she was having in the temple. The other friend was distraught, angry and lacked hope that the family member would ever choose righteousness and shared her feelings often with family members. Suzi, the RS sister, talked about how different their families were able to deal with situations. The one family drew near to Heavenly Father and had hope for the future. The banded together and prayed and fasted often for the wayward member. Each felt a peace that someday they would all be together again while the other family lost hope and had feelings of despair. This gave me a new outlook on what I as a mother and really any family member can do for their family. There is no place where we can be closer to talking and feeling our Heavenly Father than in the temple. I've promised to do just that, attend more often to pray for my family. I know each of us will make choices in our lives that may not be the very best choices. I promise to always love each one of you no matter how I feel about the choices. I will not give up on all of us being together forever.

This isn't meant to be heavy, but rather full of hope and happiness for the future. As long as we have hope we have the future.

Be happy this week. Find joy in all that you do. Take and Enjoy the still moments.

I love you Alex!

As always, hugs and kisses


Hey family,
Yes I did get the Package. I loved every bit of it. I wrote you guys a letter about how I have already used all of the items. You should get that this week.
Mom, I have been praying, and I think that is great council. I will try to go to the temple when we can. We are kinda restricted, but  I will go when I can. Keep just living the gospel. I know it will help.
This week has been a good one. We had some trainings, and they went really well. They were things that I think all of us need to hear. I will try to forward one of the talks to you that the mission president sent out. It was super good. We also found a new kid to teach this week. He is 17, and he really wants to be baptized, the only problem is that his parents wont give him permission, so he needs your prayers.
I love you guys.
Elder Cybulski

p.s. this is Elder Molyneaux and I in our area. It is beautiful!

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3, 2013

Hey guys,
Yeah, I got the two emails this morning from you mom, and I also already responded to Dad's email. I cant wait for the package, it sounds like a good one.
It is good to hear that the sisters in the ward are bringing people to church. I don't think I ever knew of any investigators coming to our ward when I was there at least. I am glad that the work is moving forward. Keep helping them, and living the gospel standards, cause that is the best way to share your testimony I think. JUST DO IT!! Like "Nike" lol  
This week was a really good week. Because I am a new zone leader we went on exchanges with the assistants. They are like the zone leaders for the zone leaders. It was cool talking to them about the mission, and talking about the needs of the missionaries, cause we have a closer view on the missionaries then they do, so we relay the info to them, and they relay it to the mission president. It was just cool to see the administration of everything work for the good of everyone. If only the world could work the same way everything would be a lot better. But things out here have been good. This one guy we were teaching finally got out of jail, so his family is doing better now, and they are setting awesome goals to get ready to be baptized. It is such an awesome experience to see people make changes in their lives to follow the savior. He is a great guy. He really wants to make changes, and be the type of man, and father that the Lord wants him to be. It is so cool.
But I will anxiously await the package this week, and I will write you all muy pronto (very soon).
Elder Cybulski
p.s. last week we went bowling. This is the Spokane west zone, or the missionaries in the Spokane west stake.