Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

Hi there son!  News of the week is that Matthew is at KU basketball camp, Sunday thru Thursday. He's already over the top excited. He wanted to make sure I told you all about it and sent a pic. At registration he got to meet all the players and get all their autographs. We took a frame may with us and he's going to put his picture with Bill Self in it (they take one at camp and send it to you).  It was pretty cool how they had it set up do that all the kids went thru to get to meet them. He was thrilled about that but mostly he's excited to be at camp all week on his own I think. At least he doesn't have to do laundry like you did that one time. Lol

So, how was your week. How is the new investigator doing?  Are his parents softening at all?   You should go meet them. Parents just love you. You have a way of putting them at ease with the way you treat them with respect.

It's finally gotten hot here, well really just in the 80s some 90s but very humid, lots of storms moving thru, no tornados though.

Guess that's about it this week. As always, love you bunches!  Hugs and kisses!

Love, Mom

Hey mom,
Thanks for the update. That is a cool camp sounds like for matt. I am glad he is having fun.
That investigator is doing good. He is progressing, but his parents aren't too fond of us. WE actually went by his dads house, and the dad came out with a video camera saying that if we came by again he would press charges for harassment. He tried to say that we had been there before, but Elder Molyneaux and I have never met the guy. It was a crazy contact. I think he might just have to wait until he is 18 to get baptized.
This week was pretty good. We found another new investigator. It was this lady named Neidra. She is pretty solid. The only thing she needs, is to do the things we invite her to do, cause I know that she will progress if she does that. She is very prepared.
But, On Saturday we got transfer calls again, and I am moving..... Yet again. I am not moving far. With all the mission changes, President Mullen wants to put Elder Hargiss(a Spanish missionary" and I in the only Spanish branch on this side of the mission to get it going. We will be zone leaders of the same zone that I was in, but we will be in a different area. I am excited to do Spanish work again, but I am sad to leave elder Molyneaux. We really got along, and taught well together.
But that is what is going on here in our world. It is getting hotter, and more people are outside to meet. Pray that I will be able to find the very few Hispanics in Spokane.
Love you guys,
Elder Cybulski

p.s. Last P Day we went mountain biking. This is along the Centennial trail(the longest trail in America) on the Spokane river

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