Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

Hey family,

Everything out here is going great. 
We just got transfer calls. i will still be in the same area. But I will be companions with an elder cisternas. I am glad about both, cause he is a native speaker, and will help the branch alot. 

I am super busy trying to find living places for a couple new companionships in our zone, so I got to go. Love ya.

Elder Cybulski

This is my district.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Hey mom,
This last week was our best week yet, here in the Spanish area. So, To explain where my area is, since we are in the only Spanish branch in our mission, we cover a huge area. If you look online at the boundaries, I cover the Spokane, Spokane West, Spokane North, and Colville stakes. I have over 40 wards and branches to use members from if I need them , and we can employ any of the 34 missionaries that are in the same area to help us if we need them as well. It is the most unique area that the mission has. From the mission split, elder Hargiss and I are kinda like the rogue Spanish speaking missionaries. lol 
What ward did sister caresia go to? There aren't any missionaries in our mission any more that I was in the MTC with, so I am wondering who she talked to.
Well, those freak home accidents always seem to happen. I remember when the Air conditioner almost fell out of the roof in the old house in Texas. That was freaky enough for me lol.
This week, we met an awesome family that is from Cuba that got to the US like 4 months ago. In Cuba religion is pretty much banned, so They have always wanted a church, and not been able to have one. It is a miracle that we found them. There is a mom and dad, and two boys. And guess what, THEY ARE MARRIED!!! lol That in itself is a miracle, cause Latin Americans rarely get marries legally. They are so prepared, and we are going to work with them to help them get baptized soon. We just need prayers that they will be able to come to church, cause the mom and dad work on Sundays. But I Think that they would be able to get off if they asked for like an hour to go to church.
Love you guys. Write soon, and stay safe.
Elder Cybulski
p.s. Elder Hargiss and I made a huge lunch one day, and this is us chowing down

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Holy moly,
That is crazy with star. She is like a pirate now lol. Are you going to go get her an eye patch, or will they take out the stitches eventually?
Everything here has been good. Today, I found out that they shut down all of the USB ports in the libraries in Spokane, so I wont be able to send you pictures for a while. Sorry....
This week was better than the last. We are starting to build up our teaching pool. We have enlisted the help of all of the English missionaries to keep their eyes out for us. We just need prayers for the ability to find prepared people that have real intent. that is our biggest struggle right now, we have people, but they don't want to act or make changes, so they aren't getting a testimony. They just don't get the concept of that. I is frustrating sometimes.
Being a zone leader, I have gotten to give a few interviews and counsel some missionaries this week. It is a unique thing to have the extra mantle for all the elders and sisters in your zone. When I was calle dto be a zone leader I felt the new responsibility, but now I feel the weight. It isn't bad, just more to pray about now. I have never prayed like I do mow. My prayers are like 20-30 minutes long at night for everything that I am worried about and working on. But It always works out. God is so good!!!!
I love you all. write soon, and keep up the good work.

Elder Cybulski 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013

I found a computer that would let me send a picture.

This is papa chun. A member in one of the wards here in spokane. He gives us free massages on p day. It is the best.

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013 (2)

Well everyone is home from Summer vacations and soon school will be starting up.  Our Christmas Skye is right around the corner.  Of course I am being very optimistic and looking forward to speaking with you again.
I hope you are doing well.  Your last letters seem to have a great deal of joy in them.  Stay focused and continue to help our brothers and sisters find the gospel.
Not allot going on just want you to know we love you and are so proud of your dedication.

Love dad.

I am looking forward to Christmas too. they need to have a holiday in the summer, so that skyping is exactly 6 months apart.
But things here have been great. WE have been trying to find Hispanics like crazy. We got a census report this week that told us that out of Spokane County, and the Spokane Valley there is only like 3% latinos. So, They are few and Far between. just pray that we will be guided to find them.
I love you, take care, and remember "Every member a missionary"
Elder Cybulski

July 8, 2013

HEy mom,
Yeah, I didn't get your email last week, so I emailed dad. I am so jealous that you got to go to the rangers game. Yeah, Our apartment has a good view of downtown Spokane, so I got to end the first year of my mission by watching fireworks, but they were really short. It was god though.
This last week was a reall tough one. We had a few of our investigators get jobs far away, so we lost them. But Heavenly Father gave us a huge Miracle. Yesterday, some guy called us and said, "Im at the church, and I want to talk to you and see the building." So We ran over, and gave him a tour of the building. He is from El Salvador, and he went to Lds churches there, but never got baptized. Since he moved to the U.S. a year ago, he has wanted to start anew, and he told us he wants to get baptized. We put him on date, and taught him an English lesson. It was amazing, and the spirit was crazy strong.
For some reason, the library we go to wont allow my camera to connect to it, so I have to go get a usb thing or something. Can you make sure I have money on my debit card? thanks. I will keep it cheep.
Love you guys. Write soon, and keep sending pictures. Prints are good too.
Elder Cybulski

I don't think you got my email last week. I think u got off just before I emailed :-(. That's what I'm thinking anyway since I didn't get an email from u :/. JK

So how was ur week?  Matthew and I had a good visit to Texas. We had so much fun at the Ranger game. I'm attaching a couple of pics. We were right behind dugout, so cool. Aunt Lisa says she's already planning on taking you! :). The fireworks were crazy awesome. Did u get to see any?

I'm actually writing you while driving 80mph down Hwy Guess I should keep this short.

Love u son!!!


Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

I was thinking a lot about your statement, what are we going to do for the missionaries?  I personally have been trying everyday to have a gospel discussion with someone. My discussion may simply be aware that I am LDS or that my son is on a mission.  But I am trying to work rhe gospel into conversations.
How are you doing?  Is it hot there or is being further north a blessing?   Summer is moving by and soon school will start.  Mom is in Texas with Matt ans family.  Halle and I are holding down the Kansas Fort.  What do u need?
We love you

Thanks for the email. I am glad that you are trying to apply what they talked about in the general broadcast. That is my biggest fear coming home, that I will lose my drive to share it. But I know I will at least try.
it is getting in the 100s up here this week from what someone told me. And we don't have AC in our apartment. We have this like box fan that we stick in the freezer lol. I will send a picture. But it is great. We are finding, and teaching. This area is unique, cause we cant just knock to find people. We have to think outside the box in order to figure out where Hispanic people live, cause to be honest they are hiding... But, I heard that they just passed a reform for immigration laws, so maybe that will help. I am not sure of the logistics of that though. What do you think?
I am not really in need of anything. I am just trucking along and loving my time. I cant believe it has already been one year.
I love you guys. Stay safe, and cool

Elder Cybulski