Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Hey mom,
This last week was our best week yet, here in the Spanish area. So, To explain where my area is, since we are in the only Spanish branch in our mission, we cover a huge area. If you look online at the boundaries, I cover the Spokane, Spokane West, Spokane North, and Colville stakes. I have over 40 wards and branches to use members from if I need them , and we can employ any of the 34 missionaries that are in the same area to help us if we need them as well. It is the most unique area that the mission has. From the mission split, elder Hargiss and I are kinda like the rogue Spanish speaking missionaries. lol 
What ward did sister caresia go to? There aren't any missionaries in our mission any more that I was in the MTC with, so I am wondering who she talked to.
Well, those freak home accidents always seem to happen. I remember when the Air conditioner almost fell out of the roof in the old house in Texas. That was freaky enough for me lol.
This week, we met an awesome family that is from Cuba that got to the US like 4 months ago. In Cuba religion is pretty much banned, so They have always wanted a church, and not been able to have one. It is a miracle that we found them. There is a mom and dad, and two boys. And guess what, THEY ARE MARRIED!!! lol That in itself is a miracle, cause Latin Americans rarely get marries legally. They are so prepared, and we are going to work with them to help them get baptized soon. We just need prayers that they will be able to come to church, cause the mom and dad work on Sundays. But I Think that they would be able to get off if they asked for like an hour to go to church.
Love you guys. Write soon, and stay safe.
Elder Cybulski
p.s. Elder Hargiss and I made a huge lunch one day, and this is us chowing down

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