Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Hey family!!!
so, I now know where I will be for my last transfer!!! I am going to be staying here in an English ward, and I will being training an elder how to be a zone leader. I am excited to finish working with the people here. Ross, the guy that was skyping with us, has a baptismal date for June 21st now, and we are praying hard that his wife will let him go through with it.
Sometimes I wish that time would slow down a little, so that I can get more done throughout the days, but I am excited to see you guys, and move to the next step in life, so I am excited.
This last week we knocked on a door that a former member of the church lived at, and him and his wife both came to the door. Those both just started bringing up all this false doctrine and misconceptions about the church, and things that they think we believe. I just had such a terrible feeling as they stood there, and talked down on the restored truth that we hold so dear. What they said about us didn't mean anything to mean though, cause I just interrupted them, and with all the spirit I could muster bore a powerful testimony of the savior. HE is God's son. He came to the earth to perform the atonements, to suffer for everyone of our mistakes, pains, illnesses, and stupidities. He suffered immense ridicules and death, and rose from that so that we can all be saved by his grace. HE has restored his church, and it stands for all to see, and everything to back it up. As I said that the spirit was AWESOME! Neither of them could say another word, and Elder Howard and I just left them with that feeling. One of many experiences like that on my mission that I will never forget the lord helping us through.
Love you guys, Let me know how everything is going. How was the graduation and everything?

Elder Cybulski

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