Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

Hope you have a great P-Day planned. I'm off work since it's a bank holiday, Yea!

I got a call from the Hayden Ward Mission Leader last night. I can't recall his name. He spoke very highly of you. He just wanted to call and tell us what a wonderful young man we had raised. He said he had had opportunities to go on visits with you and that you were an amazing missionary. What a proud moment for a parent!  We all have opportunities to make an impression on people every day with the contact that we have with them. You are making an impact on more people than you know just by being the person you are. Your love, compassion, leadership, strong work ethics, sense of right and wrong, diligence, and so many other positive traits give people a reason to pause and be grateful for knowing you. I am so very proud to call you my son!  Keep up the good work!

Have a wonderful day and take a special moment to express gratitude for those who serve our country and allow us the freedoms we have.

Love, Mom

Brother Calderwood called you!? He is probably my favorite ward mission leader I have had, just cause he actually fulfills his calling, and is so outgoing to meet the people we are teaching and help them.
I already emailed, so I dont have much else for this email. I love you guys. Dad, Thank you for serving for our freedom!

love you guys,
Elder Cybulski

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