Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

thanks for the update!!!

I cant believe that the chiefs are doing so well. However, I can believe that Matt is doing so well in basketball. Keep it up buddy! I cant wait to cheer my head off when you play at the marriot center for BYU. That is also exciting for the BVW team. Apparently my class just tore them down, cause that year was super disappointing. I am glad that Halle is getting a good senior year. Those are some sweet pictures. I saw that matt has his permit, and I almost fell out of my chair. I thought he would stay small forever, and that I would always drive him around. 

I love that you are helping out the sister missionaries. When members are involved, not just in meals, but in finding, the Lord is present in the Work. I have really learned that the absolute best way to work, is to let the members find, and to fulfill my call by teaching. So, you need to give the missionaries names of people to go see. Of course, missionaries will always be finders, but we were meant to teach and cry repentance to the world. Yeah, sorry about "uncle daddy" He is a weird guy that just like to call missionaries parents to let them know we are ok. 

As for things here, I dont think I have ever been busier in my life. Litterally, as assistants to the president the three of us make sure this mission runs. President, and the office missionaries dont know this, but we do half of all their jobs for them, cause if we left some their own responsibilites to them, everything would fall apart lol, and it has in the past. We carry the same load that every other missionary hold, plus all the behind the scenes work like travel plans, meals, trainings, transfers, mail, supplies, and exchanges. 

But this week, we had a baptism of Tyler Bates. A great kid that just wants the Holy Ghost in his life. The Lord has constantly been moving around, and I havent seen many baptisms, and now he is blessing me for my diligence. There is a picture. 

This week I also got a letter from Emma! She had an amazing experience at her own church. The spirit basically told her that she needs to go read the book of mormon, so she did, and then she figured out some things that she needs to do. I was so happy, cause I know that one day she will get baptized, the question is whether she will act on what she knows is true. 

I also went to the temple today, and finally saw the new video. OMG!!! it is amazing. I learned so much. I cant wait to be able to go more often, and to learn more and more from the experience there. 

I love you guys. Take care, and write soon
Elder Cybulski

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