Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 Email


thanks for the email. I will be praying about those things, and What I can do. There was a pretty amazing thing that I learned this week. There is a girl in our ysa ward that recently got back from her missioin. Her little brother, while she was gone started to make some bad decisions, and started to stray from the testimony that he had. While she was gone, and when she was home, she reached out to him, and was just a loving sister. Now, he wants to get back to church, and yesterday he told us that he wants to serve a mission. We are so excited to help him in the repentance process, and to help him fulfill his duty as a priesthood holder. 

Also, this week we had a baptism of a kid named ben. Look at the picture, and tell me that he doesnt look exactly like Eddie! He had been going to church for like three years with his girlfriend. One sunday he pulled us and bishop aside, and said, "Ive been praying, and I want to be baptized, can we make that happen?" We were so excited, and we taught him in a week, and then had the baptismal service. It was a great blessing to have since I have been transferred so much lately.

I love you guys. Tell me about how everything is going there. Did you ever get those promotions. How are sports, and how is the family?

Elder cybulski

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