Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013

Happy Day my sweet missionary!

How was your week?  I hope it was good. How was your fast yesterday?  I can't believe how with the right preparation, motivation and peace of mind what a fulfilling fast you can have. Fasting will never be the same for me. I'm so grateful for my experience today. I'm not sure why last weeks lesson made such an impression to create a desire to get the most out of a fast. I'm so glad though. I guess it was my time to gain a truer testimony of fasting. Just goes to show you, we all must be open to learn new aspects of the gospel. The Lord is always ready to teach!

We had a convert baptism this weekend. Today we took part in the confirmation and I could see you up there doing the same thing in your ward.  It was surreal. I so wish I could be there (kinda like a fly on the wall) with you. Not to distract but to enjoy just watching.

I love you son! As always, I'm wishing you great experiences this week.

Happy Labor Day!

Love, mom

HEy family,
This week in Spokane was great. The weather was mild, and the summer ended with a bang. With it being the last week of summer, cause school started here yesterday, we had a lot of people that were home, so we got to teach a lot. The one family we have been working with a lot right now, the Gomez-Castro family is doing great. The two sons have a baptismal date for the 20th of September, and the parents are excited too. We just have to help them get off work on sundays in order to come to church. They are from Cuba. Lately, there has been a huge influx of Cubans to the area, so I think something is going on down there, cause they are all refugees. We are getting to meet a lot of them, and teaching many. My Spanish has been changing lately, cause we don't talk to as many Mexicans as I did in Wenatchee. lol
I just want you all to know that I am being taken care of. Yesterday, we went out to Spokane valley for our zone leader meeting. While we were out there, we sto0pped by the book store to pick something up. While I was there, one of the bishop's wifes in a ward that I used to serve in walked in. I hadn't seen her in a while, and she was super happy to see me, and I her. She offered to buy me something, and I said she didn't need to, but she told the cashier not to charge me, and that she would put it on her bill. So, She bought me a book that I had wanted that will really help me understand the scriptures better. I just love the members I have gotten to know well. She didn't have to do that, but she loves missionary work. When I know that I worked hard in her ward, and she noticed enough to want to do that for me, it makes it all worth it sometimes in a certain way.
That is so awesome that you had a convert baptism. I imagine, that in our ward it doesn't happen very often. We have a few coming up, so I will keep you posted.
Love you all, stay safe, and BE MISSIONARIES!
Elder Cybulski
p.s. I learned how to but in a sound system. WE built all of this for this guy, and did all the wiring!!!

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