Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012 Letter


I got your letter today.  Thank you so much for the pictures!  It is great to have them with me now.  and thank you for the letter, they are like lifelines here.  I'll just jump right into it.  It is kinda hot here too.  it has been in the 100's, but it isn't humid at all, so it is bearable. 

I'm glad that you got Halle into EFY.  It will bless her and she may not see it now, but she will look back on those times for inspiration.  I just wish I would have gone at least once.  Thanks for the update on everybody.  I appreciate it. 

OK, so our teacher has told us to share our testimonies as much as possible in Spanish.  Don't worry about translating it, it will take forever, Here ya go... (the following may have spelling errors and lack of accents due to Mom not knowing Spanish and Alex's the sweet spirit of his words will come through.)

Yo se que este iglesia es verdadero.  Yo se que el Libro de Mormon contiene la palabra de dios.  Yo creo que nadie puede traducir los planchas de oro sin la ayuda de Dios.  Yo se que este travajo que esto haviendo es la voluntad de Dios y Jesucruisto.  Yo creo que es mi responsibilidad efectuar la prophecia de Isaiah y ensenar los pueblos de los lamanitas.  Yo creo que en el fin, ganaremos y cerea de mis obras puede hacer mas rapido.

Yo se que Jesucristo es mi salvador.  Me ha dado todo.  No pueo dar tan gracias que los bendiciones que me ha hado.  El sufrio por todos mis pecados y todos los sentimientos malos.  Puedo ver a el paraayuda, porque El Sabe todos mis sentimientos, pensamintos, y como puedo dominar los tiempos malos, Le amo con todo mi corozon, mi fuerza, y todo mi mente.

Yo se que este evangelio restaurado es el mas correcto en todo el mundo.  Yo tengo el sacerdocio y yo se que nadie en un otro religion tiene este poder.  dio a mi mediante un sagrado linea.  Nadie tiene el mismo linea.  Yo se que es mi responsibilidad brindar este evangelio a todo el mundo.  Es mi responsibilidad ser constante en mis convencimientos.

Yo quiero usted saber que amo mi familia con todo mi corazon.  Y Yo se que sin este evangelio restaurado no podemos volver a dios juntos.  Yo no nunea doy bastante gracias por los bendiciones que Jesucristo ha dado me.  Mientras se dice en San Juan capitulo seis versiculo cincuenta y uno, "Yo soy el pan vivo que ha descendido del cielo; si alguno come de este pan, vivira para siempre; y el pan que yo dare es mi carne, la cual yo dare por la vida del mundo."  Este es mi escritura favorito sobre Jesucristo porque dije como podemos volver a el.

Yo hablo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

Mom, I have learned so much since I've been here.  I can hardly believe it.  On Sunday we listened to a talk by Elder Holland called "Missions are Forever" or something like that.  It was given at the MTC, so I don't know if you will be able to find it.  In that talk, he talked about the power that we have as Missionaries.  I'll try to quote it, but he said, "This person has the Melchizedek priesthood.  This person gives up their time to serve.  This person is a disciple, and a tool in the Lord's hand.  This person has been set apart to be a messenger of this gospel.  This person works insane hours.  This person has the gift of tongues and discernment.  This person is endowed..." he keeps going, but then he says, "Now, who am I talking about?  You or me? "  Elder Holland explained that unless we are called to be a general authority we will never be more like an apostle without being one, than in these two years.  The only difference between an apostle of the church and a missionary is that they have keys to have stewardship over the church.  No other position in the church, except apostles, and the Prophet, have more power or responsibility than I do right now.  He also said that to think about the apostles while Christ was on the earth.  When Christ gave them the priesthood, he did not give them certain "seeing and revelating" powers, because Christ was there.  They didn't need to converse with him through the veil until after he died.  So, while Christ was on the earth, I, me, myself...I have the exact same authority that Peter, James, John and the others had, if not more.  This just kinda blew my mind and I thought I would share.

I love you guys.  Keep writing.  I gotta go.

Buenos Dias,

Elder Cybulski

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