Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14 Letter

Thanks for the Dear Elder, I really enjoy hearing from you guys.  It sounds like USA basketball is just kickin' butt and taking names.  Is there anyone from the Mavs on the team.  I hate it when they only use big names, cause it makes it just a superstar show.  OK, question...has Mom been telling people I am zone leader or district leader?  Because I am only a district leader.  Well, that was up until Sunday when Elder Miner and I were assigned to be zone leaders. LOL  So now that is correct!  However, it is very different than it will be in the field, but good experience none-the-less.  The time is finally ticking down to to to Washington.  I am sooooo pumped; and nervous at the same time.  I've got senioritis going on a little bit.  Lessons are going great though.  Yesterday I had one of the best experiences yet.  We were leaning how to teach with the spirit as opposed to from the spirit.  So Elder Miner and I were teaching an hermana (sister) in our district who was acting as an investigator.  The investigator said that she no-longer wanted the discussions and it was up to us to feel the spirit and to follow the promptings wherever it lead us.  it was amazing!  I knew the question I needed to ask.  I found our her needs and I knew how to comfort her.  I almost started tearing up, and the investigator and the teacher observing were crying.  I've been struggling to know if my investigators have felt the spirit.  Now I know I can do that.  I can't wait to help real people feel that joy and peace.  OK. so my scripture reading is great.  I am in Alma 5 so I just read about Amelici and how he gathered his followers to join the Lamanites.  I like this story because it shows how some people in the world will simply follow others because they are successful and not for truth.  So thats where I am in the scriptures.  I hope everything is going well at home.  Matthew says footbal is better than ever.  I love you guys.  I love you Dad.


Elder Cybulski

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