Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012 Email

Hey Fam,
So this week has been crazy. Thanks for the package and all the support. I really do appreciate it. It sounds like everything is going better at home. Im glad to hear that school is under way, and everyone is super involved. I know that you all have activities and stuff, but hey, almost everyone can drive now. So thats makes everything easier lol. Let me know how selling the truck goes. I wanna know how much we get for it. Ok, A quick update to the letters I got earlier this week. My eye is all better. There is no more redness. My vision is back to normal. The only thing is that I cant look all the way down with out everything getting blurry, but the doctor said that is probably just going to stay that way, because that is where the cut is. So everything is all better. I just didnt want to worry anyone until I new if the effect would be permanent or not. No worries there. Thanks for the letters everyone!!!
You asked my opinion on the topic of the sabbath day. It is crazy that you asked me that cause we had a lesson on that this week in priesthood. My favorite scripture about that in is John 6. It talks about the fact that Jesus is the bread of the world, and that if we are to take the bread of chriist we can achieve eternal life. You asked me what it means to be worthy to partake of the sacrament. AS I have studied it, the only things that may prohibit us from partaking of the sacrament are sins that we need to discuss with a priesthood leader. When It says that we need to be worthy to partake of the sacrament it meens that we need to have already started the repentance process. The sacrament is not there to cleanse us. The sacrament is there to renew our covenants and to reminds us of our desire to follow the example of the savior. We need to repent of things before we partake of the sacrament. At least, that is how I understand it.
Thank you for sharing the experience of matt being set apart. I am so glad that he is getting this experience. I think It will really help him to come out of his shell and learn to converse with other people more openly. It will help him to prepare for a mission because he will get the opportunity to council with others. Ok, so you asked about my ward and stuff. Well, I dont really have a ward lol. The Stake president is wenatchee just wants us to focus on the spanish work, so thats what we are doing. We are only assigned to the Spanish Branch instead of the Branch and a ward. We dont have a ward mission leader yet since only like 15 people show up to church every week. WE dont really have a meal calendar cause all of the mexicans here have terrible hours during the week. However, Mexicans are superwilling to give. I swear like every house we go to we get either a bottle of water, fruit, a taco, or a tamale. It is pretty cool. You also asked about my scripture for the plaque. I will send that later in this email.
I was super excited to get a letter from you. I am happy to hear that school is going great. I might need you to come out here and tape my ankle cause with walking so much, the one that I broke hurts a little lol. I am glad to hear that you like anatomy too. That was one of my favorite classes. Legrotte is awesome. Just work hard cause it really sucks when you get behind in that class. I found that if I would just do a certain amount of work every night everything worked out well. My companion is way better that my roomate at BYU. Elder Igleski is the bomb. We are super alike, but different too. We work well together.
Hey bud. Sounds like football is going good. Dad said that you are now the Deacons quorumn president. That is awesome man. It is lots of work, but I promise that if you take care of all of your reponsibilities that you will see blessing in the other parts of your life. I remember when I was the deacons quorumn pres. I did my job, and sports got easier and stuff like that. so keep it up!
Ok, so idk if you heard about the fires here in wenatchee. but dont worry. I will send a picture.
ok, I dont have tons of time but I will put my favorite scripture down
Alma 37: 44-45
" is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss...For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise."
So it is time to get off. You guys have a great day and write soon
love Elder Cybulski

Wenatche, Washington Fires in the Area. 

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